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Manual Hold-Down Clamps - Vertical

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Vertical Hold Down Clamps, also known as Vertical Toggle Clamps, have the ability to hold large amounts of pressure. These Hold Down Clamps also save valuable space without sacrificing holding capacity or clamp performance.

Our Hold-Down Clamps feature a Red Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) hand grip with a cushioned profile for improved user comfort. Pivot points are fitted with hardened Steel or Stainless Steel rivets to maintain accuracy, and to provide a long service life. The Clamps have adjustable spindles, and they are manufactured with a formed end to the arm.

Flanged Washers are supplied with all slotted arm versions.

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17 results
Product SKUs information
Item Code Price range Availability Height Under Bar Holding Force Overall Height View
$12.56 - $14.75 81 In stock
0.894 in
200 lbs
4.094 in
$14.67 - $17.20 80 In stock
0.866 in
165 lbs
3.803 in
$25.12 - $29.48 93 In stock
1.732 in
750 lbs
8.091 in
EMC12147 $15.36 - $18.02 96 In stock
1.563 in
500 lbs
6.142 in
$14.52 - $15.80 95 In stock
0.5 in
150 lbs
1.402 in
$15.36 - $18.02 93 In stock
1.252 in
500 lbs
4.173 in
$13.61 - $15.98 Request the lead time here
0.894 in
200 lbs
4.094 in
$10.48 - $12.30 87 In stock
1.122 in
200 lbs
4.567 in
$10.89 - $12.78 21 In stock
0.878 in
200 lbs
4.094 in
$36.64 - $42.99 12 In stock
0.906 in
330.7 lbs
4.685 in
493781 $18.83 - $22.10 20 In stock
1.276 in
551.2 lbs
4.008 in
493778 $10.89 - $12.78 125 In stock
0.614 in
110.2 lbs
3.031 in
493782 $27.90 - $32.76 8 In stock
1.693 in
771.6 lbs
5.354 in
493779 $10.48 - $12.30 19 In stock
0.63 in
156.5 lbs
3.858 in
493803 $21.65 - $24.57 3 In stock
0.614 in
110.2 lbs
3.031 in
$26.16 - $30.73 20 In stock
0.63 in
156.5 lbs
3.78 in
$14.67 - $17.20 Request the lead time here
0.906 in
330.7 lbs
2.469 in
Manual Hold Down Clamp: Height Under Bar - 22.7 mm | 0.894 in; Holding Force - 90.7 kg | 200 lbs; Overall Height : 104.0 mm | 4.094 in Full Material : Zinc-Plated Steel;Polyvinyl Chloride


Price Range
$14.75 - $12.56

Stock Levels
81 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    0.894 in
  • Holding Force
    200 lbs
  • Overall Height
    4.094 in
  • Overall Length
    3.492 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp: Height Under Bar - 22 mm | 0.866 in; Holding Force - 74.8 kg | 165 lbs; Overall Height : 96.6 mm | 3.803 in Full Material : Zinc-Plated Steel;Polyvinyl Chloride


Price Range
$17.20 - $14.67

Stock Levels
80 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    0.866 in
  • Holding Force
    165 lbs
  • Overall Height
    3.803 in
  • Overall Length
    2.638 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp: Height Under Bar - 44.0 mm | 1.732 in; Holding Force - 340.2 kg | 750 lbs; Overall Height : 205.5 mm | 8.091 in Full Material : Zinc-Plated Steel;Polyvinyl Chloride


Price Range
$29.48 - $25.12

Stock Levels
93 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    1.732 in
  • Holding Force
    750 lbs
  • Overall Height
    8.091 in
  • Overall Length
    5.492 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp: Height Under Bar - 39.7 mm | 1.563 in; Holding Force - 226.8 kg | 500 lbs; Overall Height : 156.0 mm | 6.142 in Full Material : Zinc-Plated Steel;Polyvinyl Chloride


Price Range
$18.02 - $15.36

Stock Levels
96 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    1.563 in
  • Holding Force
    500 lbs
  • Overall Height
    6.142 in
  • Overall Length
    5.933 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp: Height Under Bar - 12.7 mm | 0.5 in; Holding Force - 68 kg | 150 lbs; Overall Height : 35.6 mm | 1.402 in Full Material : Zinc-Plated Steel;Polyvinyl Chloride


Price Range
$15.80 - $14.52

Stock Levels
95 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    0.5 in
  • Holding Force
    150 lbs
  • Overall Height
    1.402 in
  • Overall Length
    2.244 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp: Height Under Bar - 31.8 mm | 1.252 in; Holding Force - 226.8 kg | 500 lbs; Overall Height : 106.0 mm | 4.173 in Full Material : Zinc-Plated Steel;Polyvinyl Chloride


Price Range
$18.02 - $15.36

Stock Levels
93 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    1.252 in
  • Holding Force
    500 lbs
  • Overall Height
    4.173 in
  • Overall Length
    4.661 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp: Height Under Bar - 22.7 mm | 0.894 in; Holding Force - 90.7 kg | 200 lbs; Overall Height : 104.0 mm | 4.094 in Full Material : Zinc-Plated Steel;Polyvinyl Chloride


Price Range
$15.98 - $13.61

Stock Levels
Request the lead time here
  • Height Under Bar
    0.894 in
  • Holding Force
    200 lbs
  • Overall Height
    4.094 in
  • Overall Length
    2.547 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp: Height Under Bar - 28.5 mm | 1.122 in; Holding Force - 90.7 kg | 200 lbs; Overall Height : 116.0 mm | 4.567 in Full Material : Zinc-Plated Steel;Polyvinyl Chloride


Price Range
$12.30 - $10.48

Stock Levels
87 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    1.122 in
  • Holding Force
    200 lbs
  • Overall Height
    4.567 in
  • Overall Length
    2.602 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp: Height Under Bar - 22.3 mm | 0.878 in; Holding Force - 90.7 kg | 200 lbs; Overall Height : 104.0 mm | 4.094 in Full Material : Zinc-Plated Steel;Polyvinyl Chloride


Price Range
$12.78 - $10.89

Stock Levels
21 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    0.878 in
  • Holding Force
    200 lbs
  • Overall Height
    4.094 in
  • Overall Length
    2.591 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp: Height Under Bar - 23.0 mm | 0.906 in; Holding Force - 150.0 kg | 330.7 lbs; Overall Height : 119.0 mm | 4.685 in ; Stainless Steel


Price Range
$42.99 - $36.64

Stock Levels
12 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    0.906 in
  • Holding Force
    330.7 lbs
  • Overall Height
    4.685 in
  • Overall Length
    2.752 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp: Height Under Bar - 32.4 mm | 1.276 in; Holding Force - 250.0 kg | 551.2 lbs; Overall Height : 101.8 mm | 4.008 in ; Steel


Price Range
$22.10 - $18.83

Stock Levels
20 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    1.276 in
  • Holding Force
    551.2 lbs
  • Overall Height
    4.008 in
  • Overall Length
    6.89 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp: Height Under Bar - 15.6 mm | 0.614 in; Holding Force - 50.0 kg | 110.2 lbs; Overall Height : 77.0 mm | 3.031 in ; Steel


Price Range
$12.78 - $10.89

Stock Levels
125 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    0.614 in
  • Holding Force
    110.2 lbs
  • Overall Height
    3.031 in
  • Overall Length
    2.213 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp: Height Under Bar - 43.0 mm | 1.693 in; Holding Force - 350.0 kg | 771.6 lbs; Overall Height : 136.0 mm | 5.354 in ; Steel


Price Range
$32.76 - $27.90

Stock Levels
8 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    1.693 in
  • Holding Force
    771.6 lbs
  • Overall Height
    5.354 in
  • Overall Length
    8.661 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp: Height Under Bar - 16.0 mm | 0.63 in; Holding Force - 71.0 kg | 156.5 lbs; Overall Height : 98.0 mm | 3.858 in ; Steel


Price Range
$12.30 - $10.48

Stock Levels
19 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    0.63 in
  • Holding Force
    156.5 lbs
  • Overall Height
    3.858 in
  • Overall Length
    2.421 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp: Height Under Bar - 15.6 mm | 0.614 in; Holding Force - 50.0 kg | 110.2 lbs; Overall Height : 77.0 mm | 3.031 in ; Stainless Steel


Price Range
$24.57 - $21.65

Stock Levels
3 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    0.614 in
  • Holding Force
    110.2 lbs
  • Overall Height
    3.031 in
  • Overall Length
    2.008 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp: Height Under Bar - 16.0 mm | 0.63 in; Holding Force - 71.0 kg | 156.5 lbs; Overall Height : 96.0 mm | 3.78 in ; Stainless Steel


Price Range
$30.73 - $26.16

Stock Levels
20 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    0.63 in
  • Holding Force
    156.5 lbs
  • Overall Height
    3.78 in
  • Overall Length
    2.244 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp: Height Under Bar - 23.0 mm | 0.906 in; Holding Force - 150.0 kg | 330.7 lbs; Overall Height : 62.7 mm | 2.469 in ; Steel


Price Range
$17.20 - $14.67

Stock Levels
Request the lead time here
  • Height Under Bar
    0.906 in
  • Holding Force
    330.7 lbs
  • Overall Height
    2.469 in
  • Overall Length
    4.843 in
  • Bar Type