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Manual Hold-Down Clamps - Horizontal

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Horizontal Manual Hold-Down Clamps have a low height design, cushioned handle grip, and zinc-plated components to resist corrosion. The handle and hold-down bar move in opposite directions to provide secure holding capacity.

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14 results
Product SKUs information
Item Code Price range Availability Height Under Bar Overall Length Holding Force Overall Height View
$27.90 - $32.76 14 In stock
1.772 in
10.866 in
771.6 lbs
3.551 in
493783 $6.98 - $8.19 Request the lead time here
0.295 in
3.031 in
83.8 lbs
0.709 in
493808 $36.64 - $42.99 20 In stock
0.988 in
6.929 in
198.4 lbs
2.071 in
493806 $15.36 - $18.02 14 In stock
0.295 in
3.031 in
83.8 lbs
0.709 in
$18.83 - $22.10 4 In stock
1.339 in
9.016 in
518.1 lbs
2.697 in
493785 $14.67 - $17.20 3 In stock
0.988 in
6.929 in
198.4 lbs
2.071 in
493807 $26.16 - $30.73 14 In stock
1.122 in
4.646 in
143.3 lbs
2.071 in
$10.48 - $12.30 80 In stock
0.748 in
4.646 in
143.3 lbs
1.504 in
EMC201A $6.98 - $8.19 92 In stock
0.378 in
3.197 in
44.1 lbs
0.862 in
$22.10 - $23.77 84 In stock
1.374 in
8.858 in
551.2 lbs
2.62 in
$12.70 - $14.90 82 In stock
0.988 in
5.65 in
198.4 lbs
1.87 in
$6.98 - $8.19 92 In stock
0.433 in
3.197 in
44.1 lbs
0.862 in
$29.93 - $35.13 96 In stock
1.748 in
10.413 in
749.6 lbs
3.543 in
$16.33 - $19.18 168 In stock
1.374 in
6.752 in
500.4 lbs
2.48 in
Manual Hold Down Clamp - Overall Height - 90.2 mm | 3.551 in ; Overall Length - 276.0 mm | 10.866 in ; 350.0 kg | 771.6 lbs; Steel


Price Range
$32.76 - $27.90

Stock Levels
14 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    1.772 in
  • Holding Force
    771.6 lbs
  • Overall Height
    3.551 in
  • Overall Length
    10.866 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp - Overall Height - 18.0 mm | 0.709 in ; Overall Length - 77.0 mm | 3.031 in ; 38.0 kg | 83.8 lbs; Steel


Price Range
$8.19 - $6.98

Stock Levels
Request the lead time here
  • Height Under Bar
    0.295 in
  • Holding Force
    83.8 lbs
  • Overall Height
    0.709 in
  • Overall Length
    3.031 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp - Overall Height - 52.6 mm | 2.071 in ; Overall Length - 176.0 mm | 6.929 in ; 90.0 kg | 198.4 lbs; Stainless Steel


Price Range
$42.99 - $36.64

Stock Levels
20 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    0.988 in
  • Holding Force
    198.4 lbs
  • Overall Height
    2.071 in
  • Overall Length
    6.929 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp - Overall Height - 18.0 mm | 0.709 in ; Overall Length - 77.0 mm | 3.031 in ; 38.0 kg | 83.8 lbs; Stainless Steel


Price Range
$18.02 - $15.36

Stock Levels
14 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    0.295 in
  • Holding Force
    83.8 lbs
  • Overall Height
    0.709 in
  • Overall Length
    3.031 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp - Overall Height - 68.5 mm | 2.697 in ; Overall Length - 229.0 mm | 9.016 in ; 235.0 kg | 518.1 lbs; Steel


Price Range
$22.10 - $18.83

Stock Levels
4 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    1.339 in
  • Holding Force
    518.1 lbs
  • Overall Height
    2.697 in
  • Overall Length
    9.016 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp - Overall Height - 52.6 mm | 2.071 in ; Overall Length - 176.0 mm | 6.929 in ; 90.0 kg | 198.4 lbs; Steel


Price Range
$17.20 - $14.67

Stock Levels
3 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    0.988 in
  • Holding Force
    198.4 lbs
  • Overall Height
    2.071 in
  • Overall Length
    6.929 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp - Overall Height - 52.6 mm | 2.071 in ; Overall Length - 118.0 mm | 4.646 in ; 65.0 kg | 143.3 lbs; Stainless Steel


Price Range
$30.73 - $26.16

Stock Levels
14 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    1.122 in
  • Holding Force
    143.3 lbs
  • Overall Height
    2.071 in
  • Overall Length
    4.646 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp - Overall Height - 38.2 mm | 1.504 in ; Overall Length - 118.0 mm | 4.646 in ; 65.0 kg | 143.3 lbs; Steel


Price Range
$12.30 - $10.48

Stock Levels
80 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    0.748 in
  • Holding Force
    143.3 lbs
  • Overall Height
    1.504 in
  • Overall Length
    4.646 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp - Overall Height - 21.9 mm | 0.862 in ; Overall Length - 81.2 mm | 3.197 in ; ; Holding Force - 20 kg | 44.1 lbs


Price Range
$8.19 - $6.98

Stock Levels
92 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    0.378 in
  • Holding Force
    44.1 lbs
  • Overall Height
    0.862 in
  • Overall Length
    3.197 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp - Overall Height - 66.54 mm | 2.62 in ; Overall Length - 225.0 mm | 8.858 in ; ; Holding Force - 250 kg | 551.2 lbs


Price Range
$23.77 - $22.10

Stock Levels
84 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    1.374 in
  • Holding Force
    551.2 lbs
  • Overall Height
    2.62 in
  • Overall Length
    8.858 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp - Overall Height - 47.5 mm | 1.87 in ; Overall Length - 143.5 mm | 5.65 in ; ; Holding Force - 90 kg | 198.4 lbs


Price Range
$14.90 - $12.70

Stock Levels
82 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    0.988 in
  • Holding Force
    198.4 lbs
  • Overall Height
    1.87 in
  • Overall Length
    5.65 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp - Overall Height - 21.9 mm | 0.862 in ; Overall Length - 81.2 mm | 3.197 in ; ; Holding Force - 20 kg | 44.1 lbs


Price Range
$8.19 - $6.98

Stock Levels
92 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    0.433 in
  • Holding Force
    44.1 lbs
  • Overall Height
    0.862 in
  • Overall Length
    3.197 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp - Overall Height - 90.0 mm | 3.543 in ; Overall Length - 264.5 mm | 10.413 in ; ; Holding Force - 340 kg | 749.6 lbs


Price Range
$35.13 - $29.93

Stock Levels
96 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    1.748 in
  • Holding Force
    749.6 lbs
  • Overall Height
    3.543 in
  • Overall Length
    10.413 in
  • Bar Type
Manual Hold Down Clamp - Overall Height - 63.0 mm | 2.48 in ; Overall Length - 171.5 mm | 6.752 in ; ; Holding Force - 227 kg | 500.4 lbs


Price Range
$19.18 - $16.33

Stock Levels
168 In stock
  • Height Under Bar
    1.374 in
  • Holding Force
    500.4 lbs
  • Overall Height
    2.48 in
  • Overall Length
    6.752 in
  • Bar Type