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Insulating Cup Washers

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Round Cup Washers are ofter used for covering large holes, like pipe and tube ends. They are shaped like a cup or bowl and often have a flanged area beneath the head - useful for evenly distributing a load over a surface area.

It insulates the head of a metal screw from electrical currents or other conductive materials. It is resistant to corrosion, oil and other chemicals. It can be used with most screw head styles such as cheese, pan and fillister.

  • Material: Nylon
  • Colour: Natural

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17 results
Product SKUs information
Item Code Price range Availability Height Bore Diameter Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Bore Depth View
$0.1004 - $0.1377 14500 In stock
0.5 in
0.626 in
0.343 in
0.874 in
0.378 in
$0.0509 - $0.0698 42000 In stock
0.205 in
0.354 in
0.169 in
0.413 in
0.165 in
$0.0533 - $0.0731 173000 In stock
0.157 in
0.374 in
0.201 in
0.567 in
0.126 in
$0.0807 - $0.1107 32000 In stock
0.787 in
0.465 in
0.256 in
0.531 in
0.65 in
$0.1283 - $0.176 7500 In stock
0.224 in
0.752 in
0.382 in
1 in
0.126 in
$0.0419 - $0.0575 23000 In stock
0.181 in
0.299 in
0.142 in
0.358 in
0.142 in
$0.0312 - $0.0428 104000 In stock
0.217 in
0.28 in
0.173 in
0.343 in
0.181 in
$0.048 - $0.0657 19500 In stock
0.287 in
0.535 in
0.256 in
0.594 in
0.248 in
$0.0399 - $0.0548 7000 In stock
0.157 in
0.244 in
0.114 in
0.303 in
0.118 in
$0.0797 - $0.1092 1000 In stock
0.169 in
0.354 in
0.169 in
0.413 in
0.13 in
16CW250250 $0.3791 - $0.5201 6500 In stock
0.197 in
0.5 in
0.26 in
1 in
0.15 in
$0.0683 - $0.0938 2000 In stock
0.374 in
0.626 in
0.343 in
0.874 in
0.252 in
16CW004257 $0.0308 - $0.0423 56000 In stock
0.256 in
0.244 in
0.114 in
0.303 in
0.217 in
$0.029 - $0.0398 27000 In stock
0.169 in
0.402 in
0.319 in
0.5 in
0.122 in
$0.2711 - $0.3717 750 In stock
0.531 in
0.787 in
0.437 in
1.094 in
0.197 in
$0.0318 - $0.0435 2500 In stock
0.138 in
0.39 in
0.185 in
0.496 in
0.094 in
$0.0528 - $0.0725 24000 In stock
0.228 in
0.409 in
0.193 in
0.469 in
0.189 in
Natural Nylon Finishing Washer - Bore Depth 9.6 mm | 0.378 in; Inside Diameter 8.7 mm | 0.343 in


Price Range
$0.1377 - $0.1004

Stock Levels
14500 In stock
  • Bore Depth
    0.378 in
  • Bore Diameter
    0.626 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.343 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.874 in
  • Colour
Natural Nylon Finishing Washer - Bore Depth 4.2 mm | 0.165 in; Inside Diameter 4.3 mm | 0.169 in


Price Range
$0.0698 - $0.0509

Stock Levels
42000 In stock
  • Bore Depth
    0.165 in
  • Bore Diameter
    0.354 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.169 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.413 in
  • Colour
Natural Nylon Finishing Washer - Bore Depth 3.2 mm | 0.126 in; Inside Diameter 5.1 mm | 0.201 in


Price Range
$0.0731 - $0.0533

Stock Levels
173000 In stock
  • Bore Depth
    0.126 in
  • Bore Diameter
    0.374 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.201 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.567 in
  • Colour
Natural Nylon Finishing Washer - Bore Depth 16.5 mm | 0.65 in; Inside Diameter 6.5 mm | 0.256 in


Price Range
$0.1107 - $0.0807

Stock Levels
32000 In stock
  • Bore Depth
    0.65 in
  • Bore Diameter
    0.465 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.256 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.531 in
  • Colour
Natural Nylon Finishing Washer - Bore Depth 3.2 mm | 0.126 in; Inside Diameter 9.7 mm | 0.382 in


Price Range
$0.176 - $0.1283

Stock Levels
7500 In stock
  • Bore Depth
    0.126 in
  • Bore Diameter
    0.752 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.382 in
  • Outside Diameter
    1 in
  • Colour
Natural Nylon Finishing Washer - Bore Depth 3.6 mm | 0.142 in; Inside Diameter 3.6 mm | 0.142 in


Price Range
$0.0575 - $0.0419

Stock Levels
23000 In stock
  • Bore Depth
    0.142 in
  • Bore Diameter
    0.299 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.142 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.358 in
  • Colour
Natural Nylon Finishing Washer - Bore Depth 4.6 mm | 0.181 in; Inside Diameter 4.4 mm | 0.173 in


Price Range
$0.0428 - $0.0312

Stock Levels
104000 In stock
  • Bore Depth
    0.181 in
  • Bore Diameter
    0.28 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.173 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.343 in
  • Colour
Natural Nylon Finishing Washer - Bore Depth 6.3 mm | 0.248 in; Inside Diameter 6.5 mm | 0.256 in


Price Range
$0.0657 - $0.048

Stock Levels
19500 In stock
  • Bore Depth
    0.248 in
  • Bore Diameter
    0.535 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.256 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.594 in
  • Colour
Natural Nylon Finishing Washer - Bore Depth 3.0 mm | 0.118 in; Inside Diameter 2.9 mm | 0.114 in


Price Range
$0.0548 - $0.0399

Stock Levels
7000 In stock
  • Bore Depth
    0.118 in
  • Bore Diameter
    0.244 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.114 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.303 in
  • Colour
Natural Nylon Finishing Washer - Bore Depth 3.3 mm | 0.13 in; Inside Diameter 4.3 mm | 0.169 in


Price Range
$0.1092 - $0.0797

Stock Levels
1000 In stock
  • Bore Depth
    0.13 in
  • Bore Diameter
    0.354 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.169 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.413 in
  • Colour
Natural Nylon Finishing Washer - Bore Depth 3.8 mm | 0.15 in; Inside Diameter 6.6 mm | 0.26 in


Price Range
$0.5201 - $0.3791

Stock Levels
6500 In stock
  • Bore Depth
    0.15 in
  • Bore Diameter
    0.5 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.26 in
  • Outside Diameter
    1 in
  • Colour
Natural Nylon Finishing Washer - Bore Depth 6.4 mm | 0.252 in; Inside Diameter 8.7 mm | 0.343 in


Price Range
$0.0938 - $0.0683

Stock Levels
2000 In stock
  • Bore Depth
    0.252 in
  • Bore Diameter
    0.626 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.343 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.874 in
  • Colour
Natural Nylon Finishing Washer - Bore Depth 5.5 mm | 0.217 in; Inside Diameter 2.9 mm | 0.114 in


Price Range
$0.0423 - $0.0308

Stock Levels
56000 In stock
  • Bore Depth
    0.217 in
  • Bore Diameter
    0.244 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.114 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.303 in
  • Colour
Natural Nylon Finishing Washer - Bore Depth 3.1 mm | 0.122 in; Inside Diameter 8.1 mm | 0.319 in


Price Range
$0.0398 - $0.029

Stock Levels
27000 In stock
  • Bore Depth
    0.122 in
  • Bore Diameter
    0.402 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.319 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.5 in
  • Colour
Natural Nylon Finishing Washer - Bore Depth 5.0 mm | 0.197 in; Inside Diameter 11.1 mm | 0.437 in


Price Range
$0.3717 - $0.2711

Stock Levels
750 In stock
  • Bore Depth
    0.197 in
  • Bore Diameter
    0.787 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.437 in
  • Outside Diameter
    1.094 in
  • Colour
Natural Nylon Finishing Washer - Bore Depth 2.4 mm | 0.094 in; Inside Diameter 4.7 mm | 0.185 in


Price Range
$0.0435 - $0.0318

Stock Levels
2500 In stock
  • Bore Depth
    0.094 in
  • Bore Diameter
    0.39 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.185 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.496 in
  • Colour
Natural Nylon Finishing Washer - Bore Depth 4.8 mm | 0.189 in; Inside Diameter 4.9 mm | 0.193 in


Price Range
$0.0725 - $0.0528

Stock Levels
24000 In stock
  • Bore Depth
    0.189 in
  • Bore Diameter
    0.409 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.193 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.469 in
  • Colour