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Threaded Sealing Plugs - Metric

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These Threaded Sealing Plugs for Metric Threads are designed with a double sealing ring on the underside of the flange to provide a secure and reliable seal. The nylon material absorbs paint, minimising paint flaking and protects from contaminants like dirt, dust, and debris, not trapping liquid and moisture from the hole.

It is easy to install and remove by hand, but its hex head allows the plug to be applied or removed with a spanner, Allen key or socket. Due to its material, it is capable of withstanding temperatures in the range of -40F to 320F | -40C to 160C. They are suitable to protect metric threads and used in various applications, including hydraulic, pneumatic and general engineering industries.

  • Material: Nylon
  • Colour: Yellow

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28 results
Product SKUs information
Item Code Price range Availability Compatible Thread Sizes (All) View
$0.3452 - $4.5644 15801 In stock
M8 x 1.0
$0.4655 - $6.1536 72873 In stock
M16 x 1.5
466977A $0.5327 - $3.5253 2500 In stock
M27 x 1.5
$0.4979 - $6.6003 6141 In stock
M24 x 1.5
$0.8927 - $11.8254 5049 In stock
M30 X 2.0
$1.1303 - $14.9253 3756 In stock
M36 X 2.0
$1.5152 - $20.0255 2439 In stock
M45 X 2.0
$0.4316 - $5.6996 Request the lead time here
M12 x 1.5
$0.5019 - $6.6305 5767 In stock
M20 x 1.5
$1.6401 - $21.7004 1500 In stock
M52 x 1.5
466985A $0.6903 - $4.8503 26518 In stock
M27 X 2.0
$0.8451 - $11.1753 2000 In stock
M32 x 1.5
$1.0802 - $14.2752 2250 In stock
M38 x 1.5
$1.5426 - $10.8504 5150 In stock
M48 X 2.0
$0.2073 - $2.7503 129582 In stock
M10 x 1.5
$0.6453 - $8.5253 3971 In stock
M28 x 1.5
$0.9926 - $13.1505 3500 In stock
M33 X 2.0
$1.3403 - $17.7504 4588 In stock
M42 X 2.0
$1.3776 - $18.2253 1220 In stock
M45 x 1.5
$1.7279 - $12.1503 1070 In stock
M52 X 2.0
  • of 2
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M8 x 1.0 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$4.5644 - $0.3452

Stock Levels
15801 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.157 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.276 in
  • Overall Diameter
    0.492 in
  • Overall Height
    0.610 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.315 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M16 x 1.5 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$6.1536 - $0.4655

Stock Levels
72873 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.472 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.023 in
  • Overall Diameter
    0.878 in
  • Overall Height
    0.689 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.366 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M27 x 1.5 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$3.5253 - $0.5327

Stock Levels
2500 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.827 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.945 in
  • Overall Diameter
    1.299 in
  • Overall Height
    0.807 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.472 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M24 x 1.5 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$6.6003 - $0.4979

Stock Levels
6141 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.827 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.945 in
  • Overall Diameter
    1.181 in
  • Overall Height
    0.689 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.394 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M30 x 2.0 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$11.8254 - $0.8927

Stock Levels
5049 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.827 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.945 in
  • Overall Diameter
    1.496 in
  • Overall Height
    0.866 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.531 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M36 x 2.0 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$14.9253 - $1.1303

Stock Levels
3756 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.827 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.945 in
  • Overall Diameter
    1.772 in
  • Overall Height
    0.866 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.531 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M45 x 2.0 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$20.0255 - $1.5152

Stock Levels
2439 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    1.063 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    1.181 in
  • Overall Diameter
    1.969 in
  • Overall Height
    0.866 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.531 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M12 x 1.5 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$5.6996 - $0.4316

Stock Levels
Request the lead time here
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.276 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.394 in
  • Overall Diameter
    0.669 in
  • Overall Height
    0.650 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.354 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M20 x 1.5 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$6.6305 - $0.5019

Stock Levels
5767 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.630 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.748 in
  • Overall Diameter
    1.024 in
  • Overall Height
    0.689 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.394 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric Threads ; M52 x 1.5 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$21.7004 - $1.6401

Stock Levels
1500 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    1.063 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    1.181 in
  • Overall Diameter
    2.362 in
  • Overall Height
    0.866 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.472 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M27 x 2.0 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$4.8503 - $0.6903

Stock Levels
26518 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.827 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.945 in
  • Overall Diameter
    1.299 in
  • Overall Height
    0.866 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.531 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M32 x 1.5 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$11.1753 - $0.8451

Stock Levels
2000 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.827 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.945 in
  • Overall Diameter
    1.575 in
  • Overall Height
    0.807 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.472 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M38 x 1.5 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$14.2752 - $1.0802

Stock Levels
2250 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.827 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.945 in
  • Overall Diameter
    1.890 in
  • Overall Height
    0.807 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.472 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M48 x 2.0 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$10.8504 - $1.5426

Stock Levels
5150 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    1.063 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    1.181 in
  • Overall Diameter
    2.165 in
  • Overall Height
    0.906 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.531 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M10 x 1.5 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$2.7503 - $0.2073

Stock Levels
129582 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.236 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.354 in
  • Overall Diameter
    0.571 in
  • Overall Height
    0.650 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.354 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M28 x 1.5 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$8.5253 - $0.6453

Stock Levels
3971 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.827 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.945 in
  • Overall Diameter
    1.339 in
  • Overall Height
    0.807 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.472 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M33 x 2.0 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$13.1505 - $0.9926

Stock Levels
3500 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.827 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.945 in
  • Overall Diameter
    1.575 in
  • Overall Height
    0.866 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.531 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M42 x 2.0 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$17.7504 - $1.3403

Stock Levels
4588 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    1.063 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    1.181 in
  • Overall Diameter
    1.969 in
  • Overall Height
    0.866 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.531 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M45 x 1.5 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$18.2253 - $1.3776

Stock Levels
1220 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    1.063 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    1.181 in
  • Overall Diameter
    2.047 in
  • Overall Height
    0.846 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.472 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M52 x 2.0 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$12.1503 - $1.7279

Stock Levels
1070 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    1.063 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    1.181 in
  • Overall Diameter
    2.362 in
  • Overall Height
    0.906 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.531 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M10 x 1.0 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$5.7503 - $0.4353

Stock Levels
16386 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.236 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.354 in
  • Overall Diameter
    0.571 in
  • Overall Height
    0.650 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.354 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M18 x 1.5 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$6.449 - $0.4884

Stock Levels
28800 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.551 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.669 in
  • Overall Diameter
    0.945 in
  • Overall Height
    0.689 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.394 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M26 x 1.5 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$7.7252 - $0.5852

Stock Levels
16254 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.827 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.945 in
  • Overall Diameter
    1.260 in
  • Overall Height
    0.807 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.472 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M14 x 1.5 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$5.8812 - $0.443

Stock Levels
9019 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.394 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.512 in
  • Overall Diameter
    0.748 in
  • Overall Height
    0.689 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.394 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M22 x 1.5 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$7.2209 - $0.5451

Stock Levels
30499 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.709 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.827 in
  • Overall Diameter
    1.102 in
  • Overall Height
    0.689 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.394 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M12 x 1.0 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$2.9501 - $0.2234

Stock Levels
6027 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.276 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.394 in
  • Overall Diameter
    0.669 in
  • Overall Height
    0.650 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.354 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M30 x 1.5 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$10.5254 - $0.7952

Stock Levels
2929 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.827 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.945 in
  • Overall Diameter
    1.496 in
  • Overall Height
    0.807 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.472 in
Threaded Sealing Plug - Metric ; M36 x 1.5 ; Nylon ; Yellow


Price Range
$13.3004 - $1.0052

Stock Levels
5900 In stock
  • Internal Distance Across Flats
    0.827 in
  • Nominal Head Size
    0.945 in
  • Overall Diameter
    1.772 in
  • Overall Height
    0.807 in
  • Threaded Length
    0.472 in