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Cable Wraps - Spiral

In stock

A lightweight and protective wrap which provides a cost-effective hose and cable protection.

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28 results
Product SKUs information
Item Code Price range Availability Material Flammability Standard Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter View
$77.00 - $254.30 58 In stock
0.313 in
2.000 in
$77.70 - $258.80 51 In stock
0.188 in
1.000 in
$52.90 - $175.30 15 In stock
0.125 in
1.000 in
$109.50 - $363.30 Request the lead time here
0.750 in
$61.10 - $202.60 Request the lead time here
0.063 in
$59.30 - $196.60 1 In stock
0.188 in
$93.30 - $309.60 60 In stock
0.125 in
1.000 in
$105.60 - $131.70 252 In stock
0.313 in
2.000 in
$111.10 - $367.90 59 In stock
0.750 in
3.000 in
$62.60 - $207.60 84 In stock
0.063 in
$389.30 - $1,290.00 44 In stock
0.750 in
3.000 in
$255.70 - $851.40 100 In stock
0.313 in
2.000 in
$123.40 - $408.10 104 In stock
0.188 in
$91.10 - $236.30 17 In stock
0.187 in
2.000 in
$155.80 - $419.60 27 In stock
1.000 in
7.000 in
$101.70 - $272.60 19 In stock
0.312 in
3.000 in
$147.30 - $396.90 962 In stock
0.375 in
4.000 in
$152.90 - $412.00 21 In stock
0.750 in
5.000 in
$162.90 - $436.30 Request the lead time here
1.000 in
7.000 in
$147.20 - $394.20 9 In stock
0.375 in
4.000 in
  • of 2
Spiral Wrap - Black, Polyethylene, 8 - 50.8 mm | 0.313 - 2.000 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100 ft


Price Range
$254.30 - $77.00

Stock Levels
58 In stock
  • Compatible Cable Diameter Range
    0.313 - 2.000 in
  • Length Per Reel
    100 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    2.000 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.313 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.500 in
Spiral Wrap - Natural, Polyethylene, 4.8 - 25.4 mm | 0.188 - 1.000 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100 ft


Price Range
$258.80 - $77.70

Stock Levels
51 In stock
  • Compatible Cable Diameter Range
    0.188 - 1.000 in
  • Length Per Reel
    100 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    1.000 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.188 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.250 in
Spiral Wrap - Natural, Polyethylene, 3.2 - 25.4 mm | 0.125 - 1.000 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100 ft


Price Range
$175.30 - $52.90

Stock Levels
15 In stock
  • Compatible Cable Diameter Range
    0.125 - 1.000 in
  • Length Per Reel
    100 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    1.000 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.125 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.187 in
Spiral Wrap - Black, Polyethylene, 19.1 - 88.9 mm | 0.750 - 3-1/2 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100 ft


Price Range
$363.30 - $109.50

Stock Levels
Request the lead time here
  • Length Per Reel
    100 ft
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.750 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.250 in
  • Colour
  • Full Material
Spiral Wrap - Natural, Polyethylene, 1.6 - 9.5 mm | 0.063 - 3/8 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100 ft


Price Range
$202.60 - $61.10

Stock Levels
Request the lead time here
  • Length Per Reel
    100 ft
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.063 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.125 in
  • Colour
  • Full Material
Spiral Wrap - Black, Polyethylene, 4.8 - 19.1 mm | 0.188 - 3/4 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100 ft


Price Range
$196.60 - $59.30

Stock Levels
1 In stock
  • Length Per Reel
    100 ft
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.188 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.375 in
  • Colour
  • Full Material
Spiral Wrap - Natural, Heat Stabilized Nylon, 3.2 - 25.4 mm | 0.125 - 1.000 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100 ft


Price Range
$309.60 - $93.30

Stock Levels
60 In stock
  • Compatible Cable Diameter Range
    0.125 - 1.000 in
  • Length Per Reel
    100 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    1.000 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.125 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.187 in
Spiral Wrap - Natural, Polyethylene, 8 - 50.8 mm | 0.313 - 2.000 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100 ft


Price Range
$131.70 - $105.60

Stock Levels
252 In stock
  • Compatible Cable Diameter Range
    0.313 - 2.000 in
  • Length Per Reel
    100 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    2.000 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.313 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.375 in
Spiral Wrap - Natural, Polyethylene, 19.1 - 76.2 mm | 0.750 - 3.000 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100 ft


Price Range
$367.90 - $111.10

Stock Levels
59 In stock
  • Compatible Cable Diameter Range
    0.750 - 3.000 in
  • Length Per Reel
    100 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    3.000 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.750 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.500 in
Spiral Wrap - Natural, Heat Stabilized Nylon, 1.6 - 12.7 mm | 0.063 - 1/2 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100.0 ft


Price Range
$207.60 - $62.60

Stock Levels
84 In stock
  • Length Per Reel
    100.0 ft
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.063 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.125 in
  • Colour
  • Full Material
    Heat Stabilized Nylon
Spiral Wrap - Natural, Heat Stabilized Nylon, 19.1 - 76.2 mm | 0.750 - 3.000 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100.0 ft


Price Range
$1,290.00 - $389.30

Stock Levels
44 In stock
  • Length Per Reel
    100.0 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    3.000 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.750 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.500 in
  • Colour
Spiral Wrap - Natural, Heat Stabilized Nylon, 8 - 50.8 mm | 0.313 - 2.000 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100.0 ft


Price Range
$851.40 - $255.70

Stock Levels
100 In stock
  • Length Per Reel
    100.0 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    2.000 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.313 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.375 in
  • Colour
Spiral Wrap - Natural, Heat Stabilized Nylon, 4.8 - 38.1 mm | 0.188 - 1-1/2 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100.0 ft


Price Range
$408.10 - $123.40

Stock Levels
104 In stock
  • Length Per Reel
    100.0 ft
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.188 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.250 in
  • Colour
  • Full Material
    Heat Stabilized Nylon
Spiral Wrap - Black, , 4.7 - 50.8 mm | 0.187 - 2.000 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100 ft


Price Range
$236.30 - $91.10

Stock Levels
17 In stock
  • Compatible Cable Diameter Range
    0.187 - 2.000 in
  • Length Per Reel
    100 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    2.000 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.187 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.250 in
Spiral Wrap - Black, , 25.4 - 177.8 mm | 1.000 - 7.000 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100 ft


Price Range
$419.60 - $155.80

Stock Levels
27 In stock
  • Compatible Cable Diameter Range
    1.000 - 7.000 in
  • Length Per Reel
    100 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    7.000 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    1.000 in
  • Outside Diameter
    1.000 in
Spiral Wrap - Black, , 7.9 - 76.2 mm | 0.312 - 3.000 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100 ft


Price Range
$272.60 - $101.70

Stock Levels
19 In stock
  • Compatible Cable Diameter Range
    0.312 - 3.000 in
  • Length Per Reel
    100 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    3.000 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.312 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.375 in
Spiral Wrap - Black, , 9.5 - 101.6 mm | 0.375 - 4.000 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100 ft


Price Range
$396.90 - $147.30

Stock Levels
962 In stock
  • Compatible Cable Diameter Range
    0.375 - 4.000 in
  • Length Per Reel
    100 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    4.000 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.375 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.500 in
Spiral Wrap - Black, , 19.1 - 127 mm | 0.750 - 5.000 in ; 100 ft


Price Range
$412.00 - $152.90

Stock Levels
21 In stock
  • Compatible Cable Diameter Range
    0.750 - 5.000 in
  • Length Per Reel
    100 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    5.000 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.750 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.750 in
Spiral Wrap - Natural, Polyethylene, 25.4 - 177.8 mm | 1.000 - 7.000 in ; Length Per Reel 22.9 m | 75 ft


Price Range
$436.30 - $162.90

Stock Levels
Request the lead time here
  • Compatible Cable Diameter Range
    1.000 - 7.000 in
  • Length Per Reel
    75 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    7.000 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    1.000 in
  • Outside Diameter
    1.000 in
Spiral Wrap - Natural, Polyethylene, 9.5 - 101.6 mm | 0.375 - 4.000 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100 ft


Price Range
$394.20 - $147.20

Stock Levels
9 In stock
  • Compatible Cable Diameter Range
    0.375 - 4.000 in
  • Length Per Reel
    100 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    4.000 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.375 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.500 in
Spiral Wrap - Natural, Polyethylene, 15.9 - 114.3 mm | 0.625 - 4.500 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100 ft


Price Range
$413.40 - $154.40

Stock Levels
1 In stock
  • Compatible Cable Diameter Range
    0.625 - 4.500 in
  • Length Per Reel
    100 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    4.500 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.625 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.625 in
Spiral Wrap - Black, , 25.4 - 177.8 mm | 1.000 - 7.000 in ; Length Per Reel 22.9 m | 75 ft


Price Range
$423.40 - $157.20

Stock Levels
41 In stock
  • Compatible Cable Diameter Range
    1.000 - 7.000 in
  • Length Per Reel
    75 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    7.000 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    1.000 in
  • Outside Diameter
    1.000 in
Spiral Wrap - Black, , 9.5 - 101.6 mm | 0.375 - 4.000 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100 ft


Price Range
$389.30 - $144.60

Stock Levels
7 In stock
  • Compatible Cable Diameter Range
    0.375 - 4.000 in
  • Length Per Reel
    100 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    4.000 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.375 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.500 in
Spiral Wrap - Black, , 15.9 - 114.3 mm | 0.625 - 4.500 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100 ft


Price Range
$404.50 - $150.20

Stock Levels
5 In stock
  • Compatible Cable Diameter Range
    0.625 - 4.500 in
  • Length Per Reel
    100 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    4.500 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.625 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.625 in
Spiral Wrap - Natural, Polyethylene, 25.4 - 177.8 mm | 1.000 - 7.000 in ; Length Per Reel 22.9 m | 75 ft


Price Range
$428.70 - $160.10

Stock Levels
8 In stock
  • Compatible Cable Diameter Range
    1.000 - 7.000 in
  • Length Per Reel
    75 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    7.000 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    1.000 in
  • Outside Diameter
    1.000 in
Spiral Wrap - Natural, Polyethylene, 7.9 - 76.2 mm | 0.312 - 3.000 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100 ft


Price Range
$143.90 - $115.40

Stock Levels
17 In stock
  • Compatible Cable Diameter Range
    0.312 - 3.000 in
  • Length Per Reel
    100 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    3.000 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.312 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.375 in
Spiral Wrap - Natural, Polyethylene, 9.5 - 101.6 mm | 0.375 - 4.000 in ; Length Per Reel 30.5 m | 100 ft


Price Range
$401.90 - $150.10

Stock Levels
18 In stock
  • Compatible Cable Diameter Range
    0.375 - 4.000 in
  • Length Per Reel
    100 ft
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    4.000 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.375 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.500 in
Spiral Wrap - Natural, Polyethylene, 19.1 - 127 mm | 0.750 - 5.000 in ;


Price Range
$421.00 - $157.20

Stock Levels
7 In stock
  • Compatible Cable Diameter Range
    0.750 - 5.000 in
  • Maximum Compatible Cable Diameter
    5.000 in
  • Minimum Compatible Cable Diameter
    0.750 in
  • Outside Diameter
    0.750 in
  • Colour