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Plast Zátky do otvorov

 (12 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

DKO Zátky s uškom

These DKO Side Release Plugs protect DKO-compression fittings (24 nipples with O-Ring) during transit, storage, and processing from damage and contaminants. These plugs' sturdy structure ensures dependable performance even in harsh environments. The leak-proof seal and secure connection prevent fluid leakage or loss, reducing the danger of equipment damage, productivity loss, or safety issues.

The flexible end fits snugly into the DKO swivel nut, and the side pull tab allows easy removal. Commonly used to meet the needs of industries such as automotive, manufacturing, and machinery.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Red, Yellow

Series Code: SR1121

Maskovacie zátky s podložkou

These High Temperature Washer Plugs are used to mask the surface around a threaded or plain hole, with an integrated washer and plug that allows them to function as a single item. They are long-lasting and resistant to chemicals, temperature changes, and abrasion.

These plugs are simple to install and remove, and their design assures a snug fit, a secure seal, and the prevention of leakage or contamination. They can withstand high temperatures of up to 250 degrees Celsius and are used in various applications such as powder coating, painting, plating, sealing, automotive assembly, and electronics manufacturing.

  • Material: Silicone, EPDM
  • Colour: Grey, Natural, Black, Clear, White, Dark Green, Yellow, Pink, Purple, Red

Series Code: SR5754, SR1065, SR1092, SR5753

Rebrované koncové zátky

Rebrované koncové zátky bezpečne utesňujú konce rúrok a potrubí. Vonkajší priemer zátky zodpovedá vnútornému priemeru potrubia, zátka teda nikde nepresahuje. Bránia usadzovaniu nečistôt.

Dodávajú sa v dvoch prevedeniach s pružnými rebrami v rôznych veľkostiach pre pevné uchytenie v rúrkach s rôznymi závitmi NPT a vo vrtných rúrkach. Tesne priliehajú, jednoducho sa montujú a demontujú.

Vhodné na použitie v strojárstve a mechanických aplikáciách v rôznych odvetviach.

  • Dve prevedenia s pružnými rebrami v rôznych veľkostiach pre pevné uchytenie v rúrkach s rôznymi závitmi NPT a vo vrtných rúrkach.
  • Bezpečne utesňujú konce rúrok a potrubí.
  • Vhodné na použitie v strojárstve a mechanických aplikáciách.
Materiál: Polyetylén LDFarba: Čierna, Modrá, ČervenáNorma pre horľavosť materiálu: Series Code: SRPAR, SR1069, SRILUPE, SR1171, SRILUH

Spojené zátky Banjo

Banjo Union Plugs are designed to protect banjo unions from damage, wear and tear, and dirt or moisture ingress. They provide a secure fit on banjo unions DIN 7642 B/E, forming a reliable sealing surface to prevent leaks.

Ideal for hydraulic and fluid systems, they are durable and can come with or without a cover tab. It can be used in applications in automotive or industrial machinery.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Natural

Series Code: SR1016

Uzatvorené kónické zátky BSP(g)/NPT

NPT thread plugs are used to seal and protect the ends of BSP/NPT threaded pipes and fittings. Their robust design allows them to withstand high pressure, temperature, corrosion, dirt, and damage during storage and shipment.

Additionally, their tapered form allows the component to plug numerous inner diameters, assuring a tight and leak-free fit. They are simple to install due to their push-fit mounting style and are used in plumbing pipes, HVAC, automotive, and industrial applications.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Blue

Series Code: SR1114

Zátka na abrazívne čistenie

These Blasting Plugs are intended to mask blasting and wet paint applications. The inside pipe surface remains clean and is shielded from steel grit damage and impact.

When painting, it provides minimal shadowing and can endure high pressures, making it highly durable.

It incorporates a screwdriver slot for easy mounting and disassembly. It is resistant to temperatures ranging from -30C to +50C. It is commonly used in mechanical, construction, oil and gas, medicinal, and painting applications.

  • It has a slot for screwdrives with a M16X12 thread size.
  • Can endure hig pressures, and is durable.
  • Resistant to temperatures ranging from -30C to +50C.
Materiál: Polyetylén LDFarba: ČervenáNorma pre horľavosť materiálu: Series Code: SRF0013

Zátky Eze

Ezeplugs are used to seal and secure threaded holes. They include a central or lateral pull tab that allows them to be easily inserted and removed from threaded holes. Several sizes are available to protect over 25 different imperial and metric thread sizes. It protects against damage, dirt, moisture, and corrosion during storage and shipping.

It is simple to install with the patented quick-fit design and locks the plug in place with a simple push. It also has a sturdy and flexible pull tab that makes removing it easy. Used in various applications, including industrial machinery, control panels, electrical panels, and other equipment.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Red

Series Code: SR1055

Zátky UNI

Uniplugs are innovative and highly versatile plugs designed to provide a secure and efficient sealing solution for a wide range of applications. These plugs offer exceptional performance, durability, and ease of use, making them an ideal choice for industries such as automotive, electronics, and manufacturing. With their unique characteristics and numerous benefits, Uniplugs are an essential component for sealing openings and protecting equipment.

One of the main characteristics of Uniplugs is their adaptability to various shapes and sizes. These plugs are made from high-quality materials like silicone or rubber, ensuring excellent flexibility and resistance to environmental factors such as temperature, chemicals, and UV radiation. With a wide range of sizes available, Uniplugs can effectively seal different openings, including holes, pipes, or tubes. They are designed with precision to provide a snug fit, preventing leaks, vibrations, and the entry of dust or moisture.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Natural, Red

Series Code: SR1039

Zátky do papierových tubusov

These Ribbed Tube End Plugs are designed to establish a reliable and safe seal at the ends of tubes or pipes. The plugs' ribbed shape assures a snug fit and prevents leaking while providing added grip and stability. It is resistant to corrosion, wear, and external factors.

The ribbed shape ensures a solid grip, keeping the plug in place even under pressure or vibration. It keeps dust, dirt, and contaminants from entering. The ribs also keep the plug from spinning or becoming loose.

It is simple to install since it must be pushed into the hole until it is snug, with no further tools required. Used in automotive, electronics, medical devices, manufacturing, and industrial machinery.

Series Code: SR1604, SR1603

Zátky s bočným úchytom

Zátky s bočným úchytom sú typom zátky, ktorý má bočný vyťahovací úchyt, sú určené na ľahké odstránenie v náročných miestach. Chránia závitové alebo hladké otvory počas výroby, skladovania a prepravy. Poskytujú ochranu proti prachu, špine, poškodeniu, vlhkosti, kyselinám a korózii.

Zátka s bočným úchytom je určená na rýchle a jednoduché odstránenie a napomáha pri vyberaní dielu z pevného osadenia. Odoláva teplotám od -40 C do +135 C (-40 F do 275 F).

Používa sa v rôznych aplikáciách vrátane strojov, elektroniky, automobilového priemyslu a systémov vzduchotechniky a klimatizácie.

  • Chráni pred prachom, špinou, poškodením, vlhkosťou, kyselinami a koróziou.
  • Odoláva teplotám od -40 C do +135 C (-40 F do 275 F).
  • Kónický tvar umožňuje zasunutie dielu do viacerých vnútorných priemerov.
Materiál: Polyetylén LD, TPEFarba: Modrá, Žltá, PrírodnáNorma pre horľavosť materiálu: Series Code: SR1110, SRSTCL2, SR1053

Zátky s uškom

Side Release Plugs are innovative sealing solutions designed to provide a secure and convenient closure for a wide range of applications. These plugs feature a unique side release mechanism that allows for quick and effortless insertion and removal, while ensuring a reliable and tight seal. Manufactured using high-quality materials such as durable plastics or rubber, Side Release Plugs offer excellent resistance to temperature, chemicals, and environmental factors. The versatile design of these plugs makes them suitable for various applications across different industries.

One of the main characteristics of Side Release Plugs is their user-friendly design. The side release mechanism enables easy insertion and removal, eliminating the need for additional tools or excessive force. This feature is particularly advantageous in applications that require frequent access or maintenance, such as in fluid containers or industrial machinery. Additionally, Side Release Plugs provide a secure and reliable seal, preventing leakage, contamination, or damage to the internal components. This makes them ideal for applications that demand protection against dust, moisture, or other external factors.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Natural

Series Code: SR1120

Závitové zátky s tesnením

Zátky so závitom a tesnením sú určené na priliehavé a spoľahlivé utesnenie, ktoré zabraňuje vniknutiu prachu, nečistôt alebo iných nežiaducich komponentov. Prevedenie s tesnením (podložka) zlepšuje tesniace schopnosti a zlepšuje ochranu proti presakovaniu a nečistotám.

Zátky so závitom sa ľahko nasadzujú a odstraňujú pomocou rovného skrutkovača, šesťhranného alebo francúzskeho kľúča. Odolávajú teplotám od -30 C až do +90 C.

Často sa používajú v hydraulických a pneumatických systémoch, automobilovom a všeobecnom strojárstve.

  • Poskytujú priliehavé utesnenie, čím zabraňujú vniknutiu nečistôt.
  • Ľahko nasadzujú a odstraňujú pomocou rovného skrutkovača, šesťhranného alebo francúzskeho kľúča.
  • Odolávajú teplotám od -30 C do +90 C.
Materiál: Polyetylén LD, PA6, PA, TPEFarba: Červená, Žltá, BielaNorma pre horľavosť materiálu: Series Code: SRTFUGP, SRTFTG, SRF0012