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Háčiky pre práškovanie

 (3 sady výrobkov)

Naše háčiky na práškové lakovanie zaručujú presnosť a účinnosť pri dokončovacích procesoch. Máme na sklade rôzne háčiky tvaru V - aby sme vylúčili vytváranie povlaku, a tiež háčiky tvaru C, pri ktorých môžete mať rôzne diely a hrúbky, alebo ak je problémom ohyb v opačnom smere, máme na sklade aj háčiky tvaru S.
Zoznam Mriežka

Háky závesné - v tvare C - hranaté

Wire Hooks provide support for handling loads for a variety of applications, including; paint finishing, surface treatments and material handling.

This range of support hooks can be used multiple times, making them highly economical. The 'CV' shaped design is ideal for wider parts and multiple styles that have varying thickness.

  • Material: Copper-Drawn Iron Wire

Series Code: SR1087

Závesné háky v tvare C

Wire Hooks provide support for handling loads for a variety of applications, including; paint finishing, surface treatments and material handling.

This range of support hooks can be used multiple times, making them highly economical. The 'C' shaped design is ideal for wider parts, including those with varying thickness. Available in a wide range of lengths to suit your project needs.

  • Materials: Copper-drawn Iron Wire

Series Code: SR1087

Závesné háky v tvare S

Wire Hooks provide support for handling loads for a variety of applications, including; paint finishing, surface treatments and material handling.

This range of support hooks can be used multiple times, making them highly economical. The 'S' shaped design is ideal for wider parts and multiple styles that have varying thickness.

  • Material: Copper-Drawn Iron Wire

Series Code: SR1087