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Guľové kĺby

 (3 sady výrobkov)

Všetky naše kĺby guľové a objímkové spoje sa dodávajú so šesťhrannou maticou na bezpečnú inštaláciu. Tieto spoje sa vďaka svojej odolnosti a jednoduchému používaniu vo veľkej miere používajú v závesných systémoch, zdravotníckych zariadeniach, automobilovom riadení a v stavebných strojoch.

Typy guľových a objímkových spojov v našej ponuke::

Guľové a objímkové spoje sú pevné a majú dlhú životnosť, čo zaručuje spoľahlivý výkon aj pri veľkom zaťažení. Vďaka konštrukcii s guľovitým koncom a puzdrom v tvare objímky sú flexibilné, umožňujú rotáciu a viacsmerný pohyb pri minimálnom trení.

Guľové a objímkové spoje s tesniacimi krytkami uľahčujú hladké spojenie so zníženým trením medzi komponentmi, čo zaručuje dlhú životnosť. Tieto spoje pozostávajú zo spojovacieho dielu s guličkou s objímkou a umožňujú voľný pohyb medzi spojenými časťami. Gulička sa zvyčajne otáča v puzdre pripevnenom ku komponentom, pričom tesniaca krytka zabraňuje kontaminácii.

Guľové a objímkové spoje s plochými puzdrami spájajú predmety a zároveň zabezpečujú hladký pohyb vo viacerých smeroch. Plochá konštrukcia puzdra zvyšuje pevnosť, zabraňuje otáčaniu a zabezpečuje presné zarovnanie. Tieto spoje sú navrhnuté s ohľadom na odolnosť a zníženie trenia, takže vydržia veľké zaťaženie a časté používanie.

Zoznam Mriežka

Ball & Socket Joints - with Sealing Cap

Na sklade Vo výrobe

These Ball and Socket Joints with sealing caps are used to connect two components in numerous ways. It has little friction and wear, assuring long-lasting performance for smooth operations.

They are made up of a ball that fits into a socket, allowing the two sections to move freely relative to each other. In most ball and socket joints, the ball is positioned on a spindle that spins within a housing. The housing is typically affixed to each of the two components being combined. A sealing cap is connected to the housing to prevent dust, debris, and other particles from entering the joint and causing damage.

It is supplied without a hexagon nut. Due to their ease of installation and secure connection, they are extensively used in automation systems, medical equipment, and construction equipment.

  • It has little friction and wear, assuring long-lasting performance.
  • A sealing cap is connected to the housing to prevent dust, or debris from entering the joint.
  • Used in automation systems, medical equipment, and construction equipment.
Material: Stainless Steel, Steel

{0} variant (Použité filtre) {0} variant (Neboli použité žiadne filtre)

Ball & Socket Joints

Na sklade Vo výrobe

These Ball and Socket Joints may be used to join two components in various ways. It is strong and long-lasting, guaranteeing dependable performance even under enormous loads. It allows for efficient and accurate movement, ensuring smooth operation and reducing friction.

It has a ball-shaped end and a socket-shaped housing, giving it a lot of mobility and flexibility. Its design allows rotation and angular motion, making it perfect for multidirectional applications.

It is supplied without a hexagon nut. Due to their ease of installation and secure connection, they are extensively used in automation systems, medical equipment, and construction equipment.

  • Offers efficient and accurate movement, ensuring smooth operation and reducing friction.
  • It has a ball-shaped end and a socket-shaped housing, giving it a lot of mobility and flexibility.
  • Used in automation systems, medical equipment, and construction equipment.
Material: 303 Stainless Steel, Steel

{0} variant (Použité filtre) {0} variant (Neboli použité žiadne filtre)

Ball & Socket Joints - with Flats on Housing

Na sklade Vo výrobe

These Ball and Socket Joints with flat housings are used to connect two items together. The joints' ball and socket system allows for smooth and flexible movement in numerous directions. The flat part of the housing aids installation by allowing a spanner to grip the part.

The ball and socket provide long-lasting performance and smooth operation by reducing friction and wear in connecting components by allowing flexibility where there are offsets.

It is supplied without a hexagon nut. Due to their ease of installation and secure connection, they are extensively used in automation systems, medical equipment, and construction equipment.

  • Ball and socket provides long-lasting performance and smooth operation by reducing friction and wear.
  • The flat on the housing aids installation by allowing a spanner to grip the part.
  • Used in automation systems, medical equipment, and construction equipment.
Material: 303 Stainless Steel, Steel

{0} variant (Použité filtre) {0} variant (Neboli použité žiadne filtre)