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Teräs Piilosaranat Silmukkapultit

 (5 Tuotteet)

Luettelo Taulukko

Jousitetut irrotettavat piilosaranat

Varastossa Kysy toimitusaikaa ota-yhteytta

Piilosaranat, joissa vasen- ja oikeakätinen käyttö on mahdollista. Sopii erinomaisesti koteloihin ja koneen suojuksiin. Saatavana eri tyyppejä joko sinkittyä terästä tai ruostumatonta terästä AISI 304.

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Lifting Eye Bolts - Female

Varastossa Kysy toimitusaikaa ota-yhteytta

These Lifting Eye Bolts with female thread, offer a safe and convenient lifting and hoisting point for various heavy loads. Keeping the face in solid contact with the mating surface is essential when in use.

It features a solid cylindrical shank with a threaded end for attachment and an open-ended eye on the other end. The looped eye serves as a safe connecting point for hooks, chains, and other lifting equipment. The female design provides a strong and reliable connection, allowing for safe and quick lifting operations. They are not intended for repeated lifting and should not be utilised at lift angles more than 45 or with swivelling loads.

It can resist temperatures ranging from -20 C to +200C. It can even work at slightly higher temperatures, but this will diminish the load rating by 10% to 25%. It is often used for hooks, chains, and other lifting equipment in construction sites, industrial settings, and automotive applications.

  • Keeping the face in solid contact with the mating surface is essential.
  • It can withstand temperatures from -20 C to +200C.
  • It is used for hooks, and chains, in construction sites, and automotive.
  • It features a solid cylindrical shank with a threaded end for attachment and an open-ended eye on the other end.
Material: 316 Stainless Steel, 303 Stainless Steel, Zinc Plated Steel

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Lifting Eye Bolts - Male

Varastossa Kysy toimitusaikaa ota-yhteytta

These Lifting Eye Bolts with male thread, offer a safe and convenient lifting and hoisting point for various heavy loads. When in use, keeping the face in solid contact with the mating surface is essential.

It features a threaded shank and a looped eye at the top. The threaded shank makes it simple to install into a pre-drilled hole or threaded insert, and the looped eye provides a secure connection point for hooks, chains, or other lifting equipment. The male design offers a strong and dependable connection, permitting safe and fast lifting operations. They are not intended for repeated lifting and should not be utilised at lift angles more than 45 or with swivelling loads.

It can resist temperatures ranging from -20 C to +200C. It can even work at slightly higher temperatures, but this will diminish the load rating by 10% to 25%. It is often used for hooks, chains, and other lifting equipment in construction sites, industrial settings, and automotive applications.

  • Keeping the face in solid contact with the mating surface is essential.
  • It can withstand temperatures from -20 C to +200C.
  • It is used for hooks, and chains, in construction sites, and automotive.
  • It features a threaded shank and a looped eye at the top.
Material: 316 Stainless Steel, 303 Stainless Steel, Zinc Plated Steel

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Ruuvattavat piilosaranat

Varastossa Kysy toimitusaikaa ota-yhteytta

Ruuvien ja piilosaranoiden valikoima sopii vaativan käytön kohteisiin. Ne kiinnitetään ruuveilla, ja niiden irrotettava tappi mahdollistaa oven nostamisen kehyksestä pääsyn helpottamiseksi. Tarjolla on useita materiaaleja ja kiertokulmia eri käyttökohteisiin.

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Ruuvattavat/hitsattavat piilosaranat

Varastossa Kysy toimitusaikaa ota-yhteytta

Ruuvien ja hitsattujen piilosaranoiden valikoima sopii vaativan käytön kohteisiin. Ne tarjoavat kaksiosaisen kiinnitysratkaisun, jossa kehysosa on ruuvattu ja oviosa on kiinnitetty mutterilla oven hitsattuun nastaan. Tapin käyttö mahdollistaa oven nostamisen pääsyn helpottamiseksi. Ne sopivat sekä oikea- että vasenkätisille.

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