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Lineaarisen liikkeen komponentit Rail Clamps

 (1 Tuote)

Luettelo Taulukko

Rail Clamps

Varastossa Kysy toimitusaikaa ota-yhteytta

These Rail Clamps are used in combination with rail carriages. Made to endure demanding conditions such as heavy loads or vibrations, it offers a secure and strong grip on the rails and maintains remarkable strength and longevity.

By adjusting the clamping lever, the contact sections are pressed into contact with the rail, thereby fastening the carriage in place. It has a circular motion instead of a friction coefficient, reduced driving resistance, and lower energy consumption.

Designed with specialized mechanisms, it allows for easy installation and adjustment, guaranteeing a tight and sturdy connection. Used in heavy-duty applications such as machinery, railway systems, and manufacturing applications.

  • Used in combination with rail carriages.
  • It has a circular motion instead of a friction coefficient, and reduced driving resistance.
  • Used in heavy-duty applications such as machinery, railway systems, and manufacturing applications.
Material: Aluminium

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