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İş parçası sıkma Kelepçeler ve Tutucular ID Xpansion Clamps

 (1 Ürün grubu)

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ID Xpansion Clamps - Machinable

Stokta Üretimde

These ID Xpansion Clamps are designed for holding parts on an inside diameter, for high density machining on vertical or horizontal mills. Diameter can range from 4,1mm to a maximum of 250mm.This product can also be used as an expanding mandrel on a lathe.

Its low profile suits it for secondary operations on lathe workpieces. It can accommodate more pieces per workpiece hub or fixture plate and is simple to manufacture to size on a lathe or milling machine.

A hex key or hydraulic pull cylinders are used to install and tighten it. It has a mild steel body and is used for machinability, medical devices, electronic manufacturing, and automotive applications.

  • Designed for high density machining on vertical or horizontal mills.
  • It has a low profile ideal for secondary operations on lathe workpieces.
  • Used for machinability, medical devices, electronic manufacturing, and automotive applications.
Material: Mild Steel

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