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İş parçası sıkma Eccentric Fixture Clamps

 (1 Ürün grubu)

Liste Kılavuz

Eccentric Fixture Clamps

Stokta Üretimde

Eccentric fixture clamps use an eccentric shaft to enable fine torque control and changeable grip while maintaining exact alignment and placement. The eccentric design distributes clamping force evenly while preserving precise alignment.

It offers rapid and forceful clamping and is built for durability and longevity. Used in precision machining, assembly, and hold-down applications.

  • Uses an eccentric shaft to enable fine torque control and changeable grip.
  • It distributes clamping force evenly while preserving precise alignment.
  • Used in precision machining, assembly, and hold-down applications.
Material: Hardened Steel

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