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İş parçası sıkma Compact Wedge Clamps

 (1 Ürün grubu)

Liste Kılavuz

Compact Wedge Clamps

Stokta Üretimde

These Compact Wedge Clamps can withstand huge loads and strong pressure without affecting performance. Due to their compact size, these clamps are suitable for working in limited places or with smaller workpieces.

The wedge design provides a strong and dependable hold, ensuring your workpiece remains securely positioned while cutting, drilling, or assembling. It also results in forceful clamping and holding of two workpieces with equal clamping force.

It provides both downward and side gripping force. They are installed with a hex wrench. Used in various applications, including precision machining, electronics assembly, and medical manufacturing.

  • It offers a strong hold, ensuring workpiece remains securely positioned while cutting, drilling, or assembling.
  • It provides both downward and side gripping force.
  • Used in machining, electronics assembly, and medical manufacturing.
Material: Steel

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