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Cap hexagonal Șuruburi cu filet parțial M8

 (1 Produsul)

Listă Grilă

Shoulder Screws - Hex Socket Head

În stoc În producție

These Shoulder Screws, also known as shoulder bolts, are a type of fastener with a cylindrical shoulder that separates the screw's head from its threaded part. The shoulder is machined to a precise tolerance and serves as a bearing surface for the screw head.

Shoulder Screws are useful in situations that call for a mounting pin, dowel, joint, shaft, or sliding action. It is somewhat magnetic, strong, and corrosion resistant, but not in very harsh conditions.

This range of Shoulder Screws features a hexagonal socket head, which allows them to be easily tightened or loosened with an Allen wrench or hex key. They also feature a non-smooth head, which aids in gripping. These screws are suitable for electronics, machinery and automotive applications.

  • Shoulder is machined to a precise tolerance and serves as a bearing surface for the screw head.
  • Easily tightened or loosened with an Allen wrench or hex key.
  • It is somewhat magnetic, strong, and corrosion resistant.
Material: Stainless Steel, Black Steel

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