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Sisteme de prindere M60

 (1 Produsul)

Listă Grilă

Washers - Spherical Seat

În stoc În producție

These Spherical Seat Washers have a surface that is slightly convex or concave. Used with nuts or bolts to compensate for misalignment between mating surfaces, maintaining a secure connection and preventing harm to the fasteners or components they secure.

It spreads the load and ensures uniform pressure distribution between the fastener and the surface. As they respond to surface imperfections, they prevent stress concentrations, lowering the likelihood of damage or failure and ensuring overall assembly stability and dependability.

These washers' improved load-bearing capability suits them for applications involving heavy loads or dynamic stresses, offering greater strength and longevity to the assembly. As a result, they are often used in machinery, structural assemblies, and automotive applications.

  • Used with nuts or bolts to compensate for misalignment between mating surfaces.
  • It prevents stress concentrations, lowering the likelihood of damage or failure.
  • Used in machinery, structural assemblies, and automotive applications.
Material: Steel

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