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Înecate Rotund M5

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Anti-Vibration Cylinders

În stoc În producție

These Cylinders are designed to dampen shocks, and absorb and dissipate vibrations, reducing the impact on surrounding equipment or structures.

By effectively dampening vibrations, anti-vibration cylinders help improve equipment performance, reliability, and lifespan. Furthermore, the dampening action of these cylinders helps to minimise the noise created by vibrations, resulting in a calmer and more comfortable working environment.

They should never be mounted in tension but in even load and should only be utilised in axial or radial directions. They are often used in machinery, compressors, air conditioning units, and light engineering equipment.

  • It dampens shocks, and absorbs and dissipates vibrations.
  • It should never be mounted in tension, but in even load.
  • Used only in axial or radial directions.
Material: Steel

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