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Componente de mișcare liniară Ghidaje liniare M2

 (1 Produsul)

Listă Grilă

Miniature Rail Carriages

În stoc În producție

These miniature rail carriages are a compact and versatile solution for achieving precise linear motion in small-scale applications. They're perfect for applications that need accurate placement and fluid movement in constrained places due to their small size, or applications requiring corrosion resistance as they are made from stainless steel.

The rails' 45 contact gothic arch design guarantees similar load capabilities in all directions. These rails move smoothly and feature a low coefficient of friction and break-away forces. It can sustain large weights, is resistant to corrosion, and is resilient to wear and tear.

Carriages come with a plastic dummy rail. It should be mounted by putting the dummy rail up against the end of the real rail and sliding it from one to the other. It is capable of withstanding temperatures between -40C and +80C. Used in different applications, including medical devices, pharmaceuticals, small automation systems, and optical equipment.

  • It moves smoothly and feature a low coefficient of friction and break-away forces.
  • The rails' 45 contact gothic arch design guarantees similar load capabilities in all directions.
  • It is capable of withstanding temperatures between -40C and +80C.
Material: Stainless Steel

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