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Cu cap crestat Componente mecanice M3

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Shoulder Screws - Slot Head

În stoc În producție

These Shoulder Screws, often known as shoulder bolts, are a kind of fastener having a cylindrical head and a threaded shank. They feature a shoulder that runs from the head to the shank which is machined to a precise tolerance. Shoulder screws are commonly used to connect two components, with the shoulder acting as a bearing surface.

Shoulder Screws are appropriate for applications requiring a mounting pin, dowel, joint, shaft, or sliding motion.

This range of Shoulder Screws features a slotted head, which allows them to be driven with a slotted screwdriver. They are magnetic and have excellent shear resistance, although they corrode somewhat more easily than conventional shoulder screws. These screws are suitable for electronics, machinery, automotive and construction applications.

  • Shoulder that runs from the head to the shank which is machined to a precise tolerance.
  • It features a slotted head, which allows them to be driven with a slotted screwdriver.
  • Magnetic and excellent shear resistance, although they corrode somewhat more easily than conventional shoulder screws.
Material: Stainless Steel

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