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Componente de mișcare liniară M14

 (1 Produsul)

Listă Grilă

Linear Guide Rails

În stoc În producție

These Linear Guide rails are a linear motion-bearing system used to guide and support moving components in a linear direction. Linear guide rails are made up of two major components: a rail and a carriage. The rail is a long, straight beam attached to a permanent surface. The carriage is a moving block that goes along the rail. The carriage comprises bearings that make contact with the rail and offer low-friction linear motion.

These rails are used in applications requiring high accuracy, low friction and smooth movements. It can sustain dynamic loads while accounting for impact, vibration, and fatigue.

In general, the carriages will be delivered to the tracks individually. To put the carriage onto the tracks, bring it up to the rails and slide it onto the rail. It is widely utilised in high-load and accurate applications throughout the industry, including medical devices, semiconductor production equipment, and industrial automation equipment.

  • Used to guide and support moving components in a linear direction.
  • Made up of two components a rail and a carriage.
  • It can sustain dynamic loads while accounting for impact, vibration, and fatigue.
Material: Steel

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