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Aplicații intense Sisteme de prindere Cam Clamps

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Cam Clamps

În stoc În producție

Cam Clamps are simple and robust clamps that firmly hold and grasp workpieces. It has a cam mechanism that enables quick tightening or relaxing of the grip. Simply rotating the cam adjusts the clamping force to meet the applications needs.

It is versatile and adjustable, accommodating a wide range of sizes and shapes, and delivers a uniform and even distribution of clamping force to provide a secure grasp without hurting the application.

They are easy to install with a spanner. Insert the flanged collar and screw it into the cam body. Tighten the locking screw to secure the cam. Used in metallurgy, electronics, and construction.

  • It has a cam mechanism that enables quick tightening or relaxing of the grip.
  • Delivers a uniform and even distribution of clamping force.
  • Used in metallurgy, electronics, and construction.
Material: Steel

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