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Aplicații intense Componente de mișcare liniară M10x40

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Shaft Support Rails

În stoc În producție

These Shaft support rails are used to provide continuous support and stability for linear shafts. They are frequently used with linear bearings to provide a fully supported low friction system.

It comes with a hardened steel shaft and mounting holes to mount and support across its entire length. These rails are used with open linear bearings or carriages to create a linear motion system.

The shaft is pre-mounted to the shaft support rail. It has great durability and wear resistance, allowing it to tolerate high application loads and repetitive motion. It is widely used in industrial, automotive, medical devices, and electronics manufacturing.

  • Used to provide continuous support and stability for linear shafts.
  • These rails are used with open linear bearings or carriages to create a linear motion system.
  • It has great durability and wear resistance, tolerating high application loads and repetitive motion.
Material: Aluminium, Stainless Steel, Steel

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