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Componente mecanice Ajustoare de nivelare de precizie M30

 (1 Produsul)

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În stoc În producție

These Spacers are used to bridge gaps in applications when the height adjustment is insufficient. They offer the appropriate clearance and alignment to components that may not be completely perpendicular or parallel.

It generates a gap or distance by improving the application's performance, dependability, and lifetime. It aids in the equal distribution of loads and pressures, lowering the possibility of stress concentrations or premature wear, and is essential in applications involving vibrations or movement.

They are easy to install and are frequently utilised in heavy-load applications such as automotive, industrial machinery, and electrical devices.

  • It bridges gaps in applications when the height adjustment is insufficient.
  • It aids in the equal distribution of loads and pressures.
  • Used in automotive, industrial machinery, and electrical devices.
Material: Steel, Stainless Steel

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