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Componenti di bloccaggio Morsetti e prese ID Xpansion Clamps

 (1 categoria prodotto)

Elenco Griglia

ID Xpansion Clamps - Machinable

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These ID Xpansion Clamps are designed for holding parts on an inside diameter, for high density machining on vertical or horizontal mills. Diameter can range from 4,1mm to a maximum of 250mm.This product can also be used as an expanding mandrel on a lathe.

Its low profile suits it for secondary operations on lathe workpieces. It can accommodate more pieces per workpiece hub or fixture plate and is simple to manufacture to size on a lathe or milling machine.

A hex key or hydraulic pull cylinders are used to install and tighten it. It has a mild steel body and is used for machinability, medical devices, electronic manufacturing, and automotive applications.

  • Designed for high density machining on vertical or horizontal mills.
  • It has a low profile ideal for secondary operations on lathe workpieces.
  • Used for machinability, medical devices, electronic manufacturing, and automotive applications.
Material: Mild Steel

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