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Alkatrészek lineáris mozgáshoz M5

 (8 Termékek)

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Alumínium lineáris vezetősínek

Raktáron Gyártás alatt

Ezek a alumínium lineáris sínvezetők a lineáris mozgást biztosító csapágyak egy olyan formája, amely pontos és precíz lineáris mozgást tesz lehetővé. Ezek általában egy alapsínből, egy csúszóblokkból és gördülő alkatrészekből állnak. Az alapsín edzett, amelyen a gördülőelemek közlekednek, a csúszóblokk pedig a gördülőelemeket tartja, és a mozgó elemhez van csatlakoztatva.

A sínek olyan alkalmazásokban használatosak, amelyek nagy pontosságot, alacsony súrlódást és egyenletes mozgást igényelnek. Ellenáll a dinamikus terheléseknek, figyelembe véve az ütéseket, a rezgéseket és a kifáradást.

A kocsik szállítása a vágányokra általában egyenként történik. A kocsit a sínekre helyezéséhez vigye a sínekre, és csúsztassa fel rájuk. Széles körben használják nagy terhelésű és pontos alkalmazásokban az iparban, beleértve az orvosi eszközöket, a félvezetőgyártó berendezéseket és az ipari automatizálási berendezéseket.

  • Pontos és precíz lineáris mozgást tesz lehetővé.
  • Alapsínből, csúszóblokkból és gördülő alkatrészekből áll.
  • Ellenáll a dinamikus terheléseknek, figyelembe véve az ütéseket, a rezgéseket és a kifáradást.
Anyag: AlumíniumSzín: Anyag gyúlékonysági szabványa:

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Flanged Aluminium Carriages

Raktáron Gyártás alatt

These Flanged Aluminium Carriages are a type of linear bearing that is particularly useful for heavy loads in a range of applications where they guide and support linear motion. Their rails are made of contoured aluminium with two hardened stainless steel shafts pressed to act as the runner block balls' raceways.

-The flange design provides both a greater surface area for the moving component to be mounted to, but also the ability to fasten to the moving part from either above or below the carriage.

It works well in harsh conditions or weight critical applications since it is more lightweight and corrosion-resistant than steel ones. It can be used in various applications, including machinery, aerospace, handling technology, machine enclosures, medical, food, etc.

  • Useful for heavy loads in a range of applications where they guide and support linear motion.
  • Flange design provides both a greater surface area for the moving component to be mounted to, but also the ability to fasten to the moving part.
  • It works well in harsh conditions since it is lightweight and corrosion-resistant.
Material: Aluminium;Stainless Steel

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Flanged Linear Carriages

Raktáron Gyártás alatt

These Flanged Linear bushing Carriages are used in linear motion systems to guide and support moving parts. It comprises of a steel linear bushing inside a flanged aluminium housing providing a great surface area to mount to.

The aluminium housing helps to keep the weight down whilst the hardened steel balls inside the bushing take the loads and facilitate the movement. Only to be used on hardened linear shafts.

The open bearing carriages are only for use with shaft support rails. It can withstand temperatures from 20C to +80C. However, steel ball retainers can be provided for higher temperature applications up to +120C without end seals. Commonly used in applications such as food packaging machines, printing machines, computers, or tool grinders.

  • It comprises of a steel linear bushing inside a flanged aluminium housing providing a great surface area to mount to.
  • It can withstand temperatures from 20C to +80C.
  • It keeps the weight down, take the loads and facilitate the movement.

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Linear Guide Rails

Raktáron Gyártás alatt

These Linear Guide rails are a linear motion-bearing system used to guide and support moving components in a linear direction. Linear guide rails are made up of two major components: a rail and a carriage. The rail is a long, straight beam attached to a permanent surface. The carriage is a moving block that goes along the rail. The carriage comprises bearings that make contact with the rail and offer low-friction linear motion.

These rails are used in applications requiring high accuracy, low friction and smooth movements. It can sustain dynamic loads while accounting for impact, vibration, and fatigue.

In general, the carriages will be delivered to the tracks individually. To put the carriage onto the tracks, bring it up to the rails and slide it onto the rail. It is widely utilised in high-load and accurate applications throughout the industry, including medical devices, semiconductor production equipment, and industrial automation equipment.

  • Used to guide and support moving components in a linear direction.
  • Made up of two components a rail and a carriage.
  • It can sustain dynamic loads while accounting for impact, vibration, and fatigue.
Material: Steel

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Négyszögletes anyák

Raktáron Gyártás alatt

Ebben a vezér csavarokkal használt tartományban a négyszögletes anyák széles választékát találja az Ön igényeinek megfelelően: négyszögletes bronz anyák rögzítőfuratokkal, négyzetes sárgaréz anyák, négyszögletes acél anyák és szögletes acél anyák rögzítőfuratokkal.

  • A négyszögletes bronz anyákat átmenő furatokkal akkor használják, ha biztonságos és robusztus csatlakozásra van szükség. Stabilitást és szilárdságot biztosít, így alkalmas közepes terhelésű alkalmazásokhoz. Átmenő furatokkal rendelkezik, amelyek alkalmasak fejes csavarokhoz.
  • A négyszögletes sárgaréz anyát olyan alkalmazásokban használják, ahol viszonylag kis terhelésre van szükség. Erős és ellenáll a korróziónak, a nedvességnek és egyéb tényezőknek.
  • A négyszögletes acél anyákat olyan alkalmazásokban használják, ahol lassú forgási sebességre, kézi vezérlésre, befogási vagy reteszelési műveletre van szükség.
  • A furatokkal ellátott négyzet alakú acél anyákat alacsony forgási sebességű, kézi vezérlésű és reteszelő funkciókhoz használják. Átmenő furatokkal rendelkezik, amelyek alkalmasak fejes csavarokhoz.

Ezeket széles körben használják különféle ipari alkalmazásokban, beleértve az autóipart, a repülőgépipart és az orvosi berendezéseket. Kapható normál jobbmenetes négyzetes anyákként és balmenetesként is.

Megjegyzés: Az acél-acél érintkezési felületek nem alkalmasak motoros mozgásra.

  • Anyaga: bronz (CuSn7ZnPb), acél (EN 10277-3, 11SMnPb37), sárgaréz (EN 12164, CW614N-M).
  • ISO 2901/2903 és DIN 103.

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Unflanged Aluminium Carriages

Raktáron Gyártás alatt

These Unflanged Aluminium Carriages are a type of linear bearing that is very effective for heavy loads in various applications where they guide and support linear motion. Their rails are composed of contoured aluminium, with two hardened stainless steel shafts pressed to function as the raceways for the runner block balls.

The unflanged design provides a more compact solution when compared against the flanged carriages but the moving component in the application can only be mounted to the top of the carriage.

Because it is lighter and more corrosion-resistant than steel, it can be used in various applications, including aerospace, machinery, handling technology, machine enclosures, medical, food, etc.

  • Unflanged design provides a more compact solution when compared against the flanged carriages.
  • It is lighter and more corrosion-resistant than steel.
  • It is effective for heavy loads in various applications where they guide and support linear motion.
Material: Aluminium

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Unflanged Carriages - Low

Raktáron Gyártás alatt

These low-profile unflanged carriages are linear bearings used for heavy-duty and precise linear motion applications. They give precision, stability, and dependability. The four row contact with the mating rail offers the same load capacity capabilities regardless of the load pressing into the carriage or hanging from it.

The unflanged design provides a more compact solution but can only be mounted to from the top. The carriages' ball retainers allow for a quieter operation whilst improving lubrication of the system. It also ensures the balls remain in place should the carriage be removed from the rail in error.

Its low profile provides an even smaller compact solution when compared again the standard unflanged linear carriages. It is used in many applications, including special purpose equipment, automation, material handling systems, medical devices, etc.

  • It gives precision, stability, and dependability.
  • Unflanged design provides a more compact solution when compared against the flanged carriages.
  • Its low profile provides an even smaller compact solution when compared to standard unflanged linear carriages.
Material: Steel

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Unflanged Carriages - Standard

Raktáron Gyártás alatt

These low-profile unflanged carriages are linear bearings used for heavy-duty and precise linear motion applications. They give precision, stability, and dependability. The four row contact with the mating rail offers the same load capacity capabilities regardless of the load pressing into the carriage or hanging from it.

The unflanged design provides a more compact solution but can only be mounted to from the top. The carriages' ball retainers allow for a quieter operation whilst improving lubrication of the system. It also ensures the balls remain in place should the carriage be removed from the rail in error.

The carriages are supplied on dummy blocks which must be offered up to the edge of the rail the carriage is going onto during installation. Slide the carriage from the dummy block onto the rail to ensure no damage can occur. It is used in many applications, including special purpose equipment, automation, material handling systems, medical devices, etc.

  • It gives precision, stability, and dependability.
  • Unflanged design provides a more compact solution but can only be mounted to from the top.
  • The carriages' ball retainers allow for a quieter operation whilst improving lubrication of the system.
Material: Steel

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