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Componenti per movimento lineare Carrelli lineari M5x10

 (1 categoria prodotto)

Elenco Griglia

Linear Carriages - Closed

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These Linear Bushing Carriages are used in linear motion systems to guide and support moving parts. The housing offers an easy solution when mounting this carriage to the moving part in the application.

The aluminium housing helps to keep the weight down whilst the hardened steel balls inside the bushing take the loads and facilitate the movement. Only to be used on hardened linear shafts.

It can withstand temperatures from 20C to +80C. However, steel ball retainers can be provided for higher temperature applications up to +120C without end seals. Commonly used in applications such as food packaging machines, printing machines, computers, or tool grinders.

  • Used in linear motion systems to guide and support moving parts.
  • It can withstand temperatures from 20C to +80C.
  • It keeps the weight down, take the loads and facilitate the movement.

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