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Manual Shaft Clamps

 (1 categoria prodotto)

Elenco Griglia

Manual Shaft Clamps

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These Manual Shaft Clamps are designed to be used in conjunction with linear bearings and act as a mecanism to hold a moving component or fixture in place until the clamp is released.

When the clamping lever is pressed, the contact faces come into contact with the shaft bar, clamping it in place. They have a sturdy structure that ensures strength and longevity. This enables them to resist external forces.

It is simple and dependable, and it is operated manually. The contact profiles press simultaneously on the rail surfaces by pressing the adjustable locking lever. The floating contact profiles guarantee that force is distributed symmetrically on the linear guide. Used in automotive, industrial machinery, and manufacturing processes.

  • Designed to be used in conjunction with linear bearings and act as a mecanism to hold a moving component.
  • Features a sturdy structure that ensures strength and longevity.
  • Used in automotive, industrial machinery, and manufacturing processes.
Material: Aluminium

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