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(10 Termékek)
Ribbed Tube End Plugs provide a reliable seal for tube and pipe ends. The ribbed design ensures a tight fit that helps prevent leaks, while providing grip and stability. The ribbed shape keeps the plug in place under pressure or vibration, and blocks dust, dirt and contaminants. Easy, push-fit installation makes things simple and means no tools are required.
DKO Side Release Plugs protect DKO-compression fittings during transit, storage and processing by preventing damage and contamination. The flexible end fits securely into the DKO swivel nut. A side pull tab allows for easy removal.
Ezeplugs are designed to seal and secure threaded holes. They feature a central or lateral pull tab for easy insertion and removal. Available in multiple sizes; they can protect over 25 imperial or metric thread sizes against damage, dirt, moisture and corrosion during storage and shipping. The flexible pull tab makes removal straightforward.
A középső húzófüles Tab tömlődugók a tömlővégek bedugására és tömítésére szolgálnak. Bordákkal rendelkeznek, amelyek szoros illeszkedést biztosítanak a hidraulikavezetékek eltömődésekor anélkül, hogy megfeszítenék őket. Nagy szakítószilárdsággal, szívóssággal és rugalmassággal rendelkezik.
A belső, középen elhelyezett húzófül lehetővé teszi a dugó egyszerű behelyezését és eltávolítását, így problémamentes alternatívát jelent. Ezenkívül a kúpos forma lehetővé teszi számos belső átmérő csatlakoztatását. A szorosan illeszkedő dugók és a biztonságos tömítés hatékonyan megakadályozzák a por, piszok és egyéb szennyeződések bejutását a tömlőbe. Ez segít megvédeni a belső alkatrészeket, garantálva az optimális teljesítményt.
Gyakran használják építőiparban, autóiparban és mezőgazdasági alkalmazásokban.
Covered Tapered Plugs have convex edges that guarantee a secure fit. Features a push-fit design that makes it simple to use and remove. Used for pipes, blind holes and furniture.
NPT Thread Plugs are used to seal and protect the ends of BSP and NPT threaded pipes and fittings. The robust design ensures they can withstand high pressure, temperature and damage during storage and shipment. The tapered form allows for a tight, leak-free fit across various inner diameters.
Side Release Plugs provide secure and convenient sealing for various applications. The side release mechanism allows for quick insertion and removal without the need for tools, ensuring a tight seal.
Paper Masking Plugs are designed to seal off openings during painting, coating or surface treatment processes. Made from high-quality paper, they offer excellent flexibility and durability. The are resistant to chemicals. Ideal for use on metal, plastic, glass and wood surfaces.
High temperature Washer Plugs are designed to mask the surface around a threaded or plain hole, with an integrated washer and plug that function as a single item. Easy to install and remove; they ensure a snug fit and secure seal to prevent leakage or contamination. Capable of withstanding temperatures of up to 250C.
Uniplugs are versatile plugs designed for a secure and efficient seal in various applications. Available in various sizes to seal different openings, such as holes, pipes or tubes. They ensure a snug fit that prevents leaks, vibrations and the entry of dust or moisture.
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