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Plastic Componente de mișcare rotativă Știfturi și îmbinări Clevis

 (1 Produsul)

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Clevis Pins

În stoc În producție

These Clevis Pins are cylindrical pins with a flat head on one end. It is intended to fit into the holes of a clevis joint, forming a pivotal connection that allows for angular movement and adjustment.

It has exceptional strength, durability, and corrosion resistance. Its cylindrical design enables simple insertion into the holes and rotation of the mating component. At the same time, the flat head provides a stop during installation.

Its design allows for quick and easy disassembly, modification, or replacement of the pin as needed. Used in the automobile industry, manufacturing, and construction for steering linkages, suspension systems, and control mechanisms.

  • It forms a pivotal connection that allows for angular movement and adjustment.
  • It has exceptional strength, durability, and corrosion resistance.
  • Its cylindrical design enables simple insertion into the holes and rotation of the mating component.
Material: Igumid G, Steel, Stainless Steel

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