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Shoulder Screws - Pan Head

În stoc În producție

These Pan Head Shoulder Screws, also known as pan head shoulder bolts, are a type of fastener that consists of a cylindrical shaft with a pan head at one end and a shoulder at the other. The shoulder is machined to a precise tolerance and serves as a bearing surface for the screw head.

Shoulder Screws are useful when a mounting pin, dowel, joint, shaft, or sliding motion is required. It is sturdy and corrosion-resistant, but not in really hard conditions.

This range of Shoulder Screws features a pan head that is slightly domed and a flat bearing. It is suited for low-profile applications and has an aesthetically attractive appearance. Easy to install or remove using slotted screwdrivers. These screws suit electronics, medical devices, machinery and automotive applications.

  • It is sturdy and corrosion-resistant, but not in really hard conditions.
  • It has a pan head that is slightly domed and a flat bearing.
  • It is suited for low-profile applications and has an aesthetically attractive appearance.
Material: 303 Stainless Steel

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