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Snap Fit Bushings - Closed

In stock

Closed Bushings are designed for the protection of wires, cables and tubing from the sharp edges of drilled and pulled holes in sheet metal.

The economical but durable material creates a smooth opening. Tough and heat resilient options are included in our range.

The closed bushing design features multiple locks that allow the bushing to positively snap into common panel thicknesses - making installation easy and effortless. Fingertip pressure installation means no tools are required.

Caters to a large selection of sizes with various inside diameter openings.

  • Materials: Nylon 6/6 and Heat Stabilised Nylon 6/6
  • Colors: Black and White
  • UL94 V2 Flame Rated

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125 results
Product SKUs information
Item Code Price range Availability Approximate Cable Holding Diameter Compatible Hole Diameter View
$0.0411 - $0.0626 110000 In stock
0.252 in
0.374 in
$0.0476 - $0.0726 29000 In stock
0.374 in
0.5 in
$0.0545 - $0.0831 67000 In stock
0.252 in
0.626 in
$0.0707 - $0.1077 31000 In stock
0.374 in
0.752 in
$0.1064 - $0.1622 21000 In stock
0.437 in
0.874 in
$0.1064 - $0.1622 32980 In stock
0.689 in
0.874 in
$0.1547 - $0.2357 49000 In stock
0.937 in
1.094 in
$0.2343 - $0.3572 3000 In stock
1.063 in
1.5 in
$0.0411 - $0.0626 45000 In stock
0.126 in
0.252 in
$0.045 - $0.0686 40000 In stock
0.272 in
0.437 in
$0.0545 - $0.0831 77000 In stock
0.311 in
0.563 in
$0.0545 - $0.0831 40000 In stock
0.437 in
0.626 in
$0.0707 - $0.1077 15000 In stock
0.5 in
0.752 in
$0.1064 - $0.1622 8000 In stock
0.5 in
0.874 in
$0.1436 - $0.2189 47500 In stock
0.768 in
1 in
$0.1547 - $0.2357 48500 In stock
0.937 in
1.093 in
22MP15018 $0.2343 - $0.3572 9750 In stock
1.126 in
1.5 in
$0.0623 - $0.0855 1000 In stock
0.195 in
0.252 in
$0.6552 - $1.7223 4398 In stock
2.470 in
3.000 in
$0.0411 - $0.0626 23000 In stock
0.185 in
0.374 in
  • of 7
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 6.4 mm | 0.252 in


Price Range
$0.0626 - $0.0411

Stock Levels
110000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.252 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.374 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.469 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.252 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 9.5 mm | 0.374 in


Price Range
$0.0726 - $0.0476

Stock Levels
29000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.374 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.5 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.579 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.374 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 6.4 mm | 0.252 in


Price Range
$0.0831 - $0.0545

Stock Levels
67000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.252 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.626 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.717 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.252 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 9.5 mm | 0.374 in


Price Range
$0.1077 - $0.0707

Stock Levels
31000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.374 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.752 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.843 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.374 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 11.1 mm | 0.437 in


Price Range
$0.1622 - $0.1064

Stock Levels
21000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.437 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.874 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.953 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.437 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 17.5 mm | 0.689 in


Price Range
$0.1622 - $0.1064

Stock Levels
32980 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.689 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.874 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.953 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.689 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 23.8 mm | 0.937 in


Price Range
$0.2357 - $0.1547

Stock Levels
49000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.937 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.094 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.22 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.937 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 27.0 mm | 1.063 in


Price Range
$0.3572 - $0.2343

Stock Levels
3000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    1.063 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.5 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.61 in
  • Inside Diameter
    1.063 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 1.6 mm | 0.031 - 0.063 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 3.2 mm | 0.126 in


Price Range
$0.0626 - $0.0411

Stock Levels
45000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.126 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.252 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.311 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.126 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.063 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 6.9 mm | 0.272 in


Price Range
$0.0686 - $0.045

Stock Levels
40000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.272 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.437 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.531 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.252 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 7.9 mm | 0.311 in


Price Range
$0.0831 - $0.0545

Stock Levels
77000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.311 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.563 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.657 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.311 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 11.1 mm | 0.437 in


Price Range
$0.0831 - $0.0545

Stock Levels
40000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.437 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.626 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.717 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.437 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 12.7 mm | 0.5 in


Price Range
$0.1077 - $0.0707

Stock Levels
15000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.5 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.752 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.843 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.5 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 12.7 mm | 0.5 in


Price Range
$0.1622 - $0.1064

Stock Levels
8000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.5 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.874 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.953 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.5 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 19.5 mm | 0.768 in


Price Range
$0.2189 - $0.1436

Stock Levels
47500 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.768 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.126 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.768 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushing: 23.8 mm | 0.937 in ID, 27.9 mm | 1.097 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.2357 - $0.1547

Stock Levels
48500 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.937 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.093 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.218 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.937 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 28.6 mm | 1.126 in


Price Range
$0.3572 - $0.2343

Stock Levels
9750 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    1.126 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.5 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.61 in
  • Inside Diameter
    1.126 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushing - Panel Thickness Range 3.2 mm | 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 4.95 mm | 0.195 in


Price Range
$0.0855 - $0.0623

Stock Levels
1000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.195 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.252 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.5 in
  • Maximum Inside Diameter
    0.195 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 62.7 mm | 2.470 in ID, 76.2 mm | 3.000 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$1.7223 - $0.6552

Stock Levels
4398 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    2.470 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    3.000 in
  • Head Diameter
    3.160 in
  • Inside Diameter
    2.470 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 4.7 mm | 0.185 in


Price Range
$0.0626 - $0.0411

Stock Levels
23000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.185 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.374 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.469 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.185 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 6.4 mm | 0.252 in


Price Range
$0.0686 - $0.045

Stock Levels
56000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.252 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.437 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.531 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.244 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 11.1 mm | 0.437 in


Price Range
$0.0831 - $0.0545

Stock Levels
53000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.437 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.563 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.657 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.437 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 14.3 mm | 0.563 in


Price Range
$0.1077 - $0.0707

Stock Levels
15000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.563 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.689 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.78 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.563 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 9.5 mm | 0.374 in


Price Range
$0.1622 - $0.1064

Stock Levels
3500 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.374 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.874 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.953 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.374 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 15.9 mm | 0.626 in


Price Range
$0.1622 - $0.1064

Stock Levels
13500 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.626 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.874 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.953 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.626 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 22.2 mm | 0.874 in


Price Range
$0.2357 - $0.1547

Stock Levels
8500 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.874 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.094 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.22 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.874 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 25.4 mm | 1 in


Price Range
$0.287 - $0.1883

Stock Levels
8000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    1 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.374 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.469 in
  • Inside Diameter
    1 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 1.6 mm | 0.031 - 0.063 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 4.7 mm | 0.185 in


Price Range
$0.0626 - $0.0411

Stock Levels
47000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.185 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.311 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.374 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.185 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.063 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 7.9 mm | 0.311 in


Price Range
$0.0686 - $0.045

Stock Levels
343000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.311 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.437 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.531 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.311 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 9.9 mm | 0.39 in


Price Range
$0.0831 - $0.0545

Stock Levels
7000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.39 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.563 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.657 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.39 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 12.7 mm | 0.5 in


Price Range
$0.1077 - $0.0707

Stock Levels
60000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.5 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.689 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.78 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.5 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 14.3 mm | 0.563 in


Price Range
$0.1077 - $0.0707

Stock Levels
13000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.563 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.752 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.843 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.563 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 14.3 mm | 0.563 in


Price Range
$0.1622 - $0.1064

Stock Levels
6500 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.563 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.874 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.953 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.563 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 20.6 mm | 0.811 in


Price Range
$0.2357 - $0.1547

Stock Levels
2000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.811 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.094 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.22 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.811 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 23.8 mm | 0.937 in


Price Range
$0.287 - $0.1883

Stock Levels
250 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.937 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.252 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.358 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.937 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 33.3 mm | 1.311 in


Price Range
$0.3572 - $0.2343

Stock Levels
Request the lead time here
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    1.311 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.508 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.61 in
  • Inside Diameter
    1.311 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushing - Panel Thickness Range 3.2 mm | 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 14.3 mm | 0.563 in


Price Range
$0.12 - $0.0788

Stock Levels
52000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.563 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.811 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.89 in
  • Maximum Inside Diameter
    0.563 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushing - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 7.9 mm | 0.311 in


Price Range
$0.0726 - $0.0476

Stock Levels
7000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.311 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.5 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.579 in
  • Maximum Inside Diameter
    0.315 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushing - Panel Thickness Range 3.2 mm | 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 15.9 mm | 0.626 in


Price Range
$0.1077 - $0.0707

Stock Levels
149000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.626 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.748 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.843 in
  • Maximum Inside Diameter
    0.63 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushing - Panel Thickness Range 3.2 mm | 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 23.8 mm | 0.937 in


Price Range
$0.287 - $0.1883

Stock Levels
Request the lead time here
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.937 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.189 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.311 in
  • Maximum Inside Diameter
    0.945 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushing - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 6.4 mm | 0.252 in


Price Range
$0.0726 - $0.0476

Stock Levels
10000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.252 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.5 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.579 in
  • Maximum Inside Diameter
    0.252 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushing - Panel Thickness Range 3.2 mm | 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 15.9 mm | 0.626 in


Price Range
$0.12 - $0.0788

Stock Levels
39000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.626 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.811 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.89 in
  • Maximum Inside Diameter
    0.63 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushing - Panel Thickness Range 3.2 mm | 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 4.95 mm | 0.195 in


Price Range
$0.0713 - $0.0519

Stock Levels
4000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.195 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.126 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.39 in
  • Maximum Inside Diameter
    0.195 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 15.9 mm | 0.625 in ID, 19.1 mm | 0.750 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1787 - $0.1346

Stock Levels
24000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.625 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.750 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.843 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.625 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 11.1 mm | 0.437 in ID, 22.2 mm | 0.875 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.4118 - $0.1707

Stock Levels
5000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.437 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.875 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.953 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.437 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 17.4 mm | 0.687 in ID, 22.2 mm | 0.875 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1622 - $0.1064

Stock Levels
16500 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.687 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.875 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.953 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.687 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 23.8 mm | 0.937 in ID, 30.1 mm | 1.187 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.287 - $0.1883

Stock Levels
3750 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.937 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.187 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.312 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.937 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 28.6 mm | 1.125 in ID, 38.1 mm | 1.500 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.3572 - $0.2343

Stock Levels
4500 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    1.125 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.500 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.609 in
  • Inside Diameter
    1.125 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 41.7 mm | 1.642 in


Price Range
$0.4619 - $0.303

Stock Levels
40750 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    1.642 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    2 in
  • Head Diameter
    2.126 in
  • Inside Diameter
    1.626 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 6.4 mm | 0.031 - 0.252 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 49.9 mm | 1.965 in


Price Range
$1.0988 - $0.7209

Stock Levels
2400 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    1.965 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    2.5 in
  • Head Diameter
    2.697 in
  • Inside Diameter
    1.965 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.252 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 6.4 mm | 0.031 - 0.252 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 71.4 mm | 2.811 in


Price Range
$2.4095 - $1.5809

Stock Levels
2800 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    2.811 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    3.374 in
  • Head Diameter
    3.657 in
  • Inside Diameter
    2.811 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.252 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 6.4 mm | 0.031 - 0.252 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 87.8 mm | 3.457 in


Price Range
$2.9318 - $1.9235

Stock Levels
7800 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    3.457 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    4 in
  • Head Diameter
    4.169 in
  • Inside Diameter
    3.457 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.252 in
Snap Fit Bushing: 14.3 mm | 0.562 in ID, 20.6 mm | 0.812 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1989 - $0.1502

Stock Levels
5000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.562 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.562 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.562 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.562 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 12.7 mm | 0.500 in ID, 22.2 mm | 0.875 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1622 - $0.1064

Stock Levels
42000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.500 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.875 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.953 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.500 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 19.5 mm | 0.768 in


Price Range
$0.2189 - $0.1436

Stock Levels
6500 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.768 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.126 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.768 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushing: 23.8 mm | 0.937 in ID, 31.8 mm | 1.250 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.287 - $0.1883

Stock Levels
6500 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.937 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.250 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.359 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.937 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 33.3 mm | 1.312 in ID, 38.1 mm | 1.500 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.3572 - $0.2343

Stock Levels
500 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    1.312 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.509 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.609 in
  • Inside Diameter
    1.312 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 41.7 mm | 1.642 in


Price Range
$0.4619 - $0.303

Stock Levels
5750 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    1.642 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    2 in
  • Head Diameter
    2.126 in
  • Inside Diameter
    1.626 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushing: 49.9 mm | 1.965 in ID, 63.5 mm | 2.500 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$2.7899 - $1.1553

Stock Levels
Request the lead time here
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    1.965 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    2.500 in
  • Head Diameter
    2.710 in
  • Inside Diameter
    1.965 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 71.4 mm | 2.812 in ID, 85.7 mm | 3.375 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$6.1178 - $2.5334

Stock Levels
Request the lead time here
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    2.812 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    3.375 in
  • Head Diameter
    3.660 in
  • Inside Diameter
    2.812 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 87.9 mm | 3.460 in ID, 101.6 mm | 4.000 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$7.4442 - $3.0827

Stock Levels
Request the lead time here
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    3.460 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    4.000 in
  • Head Diameter
    4.170 in
  • Inside Diameter
    3.460 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 1.6 mm | 0.031 - 0.063 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 6.1 mm | 0.24 in


Price Range
$0.0653 - $0.0531

Stock Levels
6000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.24 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.311 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.374 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.252 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.063 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 1.6 mm | 0.031 - 0.063 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 8.7 mm | 0.343 in


Price Range
$0.0716 - $0.0585

Stock Levels
41000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.343 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.469 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.531 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.343 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.063 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 1.6 mm | 0.031 - 0.063 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 10.3 mm | 0.406 in


Price Range
$0.077 - $0.0584

Stock Levels
9000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.406 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.531 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.594 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.406 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.063 in
Snap Fit Bushing: 15.9 mm | 0.625 in ID, 19.8 mm | 0.781 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.0896 - $0.0729

Stock Levels
4000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.625 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.781 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.859 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.625 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 3.2 mm | 0.125 in ID, 6.4 mm | 0.250 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.0945 - $0.0711

Stock Levels
60000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.125 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.250 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.312 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.125 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 6.4 mm | 0.250 in ID, 11.1 mm | 0.437 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1136 - $0.0855

Stock Levels
1000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.250 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.437 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.531 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.250 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 7.9 mm | 0.312 in ID, 12.7 mm | 0.500 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1095 - $0.0828

Stock Levels
4000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.312 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.500 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.578 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.312 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 11.1 mm | 0.437 in ID, 14.3 mm | 0.562 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1254 - $0.0945

Stock Levels
9000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.437 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.562 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.656 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.437 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 12.7 mm | 0.500 in ID, 17.4 mm | 0.687 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1787 - $0.1346

Stock Levels
67000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.500 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.687 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.781 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.500 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 3.2 mm | 0.125 in ID, 4.8 mm | 0.189 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.0653 - $0.0492

Stock Levels
25000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.125 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.187 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.250 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.125 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 1.6 mm | 0.031 - 0.063 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 9.5 mm | 0.374 in


Price Range
$0.0653 - $0.0492

Stock Levels
50723 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.374 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.5 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.563 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.374 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.063 in
Snap Fit Bushing: 15.9 mm | 0.625 in ID, 19.8 mm | 0.781 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.0986 - $0.0743

Stock Levels
Request the lead time here
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.625 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.781 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.859 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.625 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 9.5 mm | 0.375 in ID, 12.7 mm | 0.500 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1095 - $0.0828

Stock Levels
46000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.375 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.500 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.578 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.375 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 6.4 mm | 0.250 in ID, 15.9 mm | 0.625 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1379 - $0.1041

Stock Levels
29000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.250 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.625 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.718 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.250 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 1.6 mm | 0.031 - 0.063 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 3.2 mm | 0.126 in


Price Range
$0.0653 - $0.0531

Stock Levels
145000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.126 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.189 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.252 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.126 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.063 in
Snap Fit Bushing: 6.4 mm | 0.250 in ID, 9.5 mm | 0.375 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.0716 - $0.054

Stock Levels
66000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.250 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.375 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.437 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.250 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 1.6 mm | 0.031 - 0.063 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 9.5 mm | 0.374 in


Price Range
$0.0653 - $0.0531

Stock Levels
57000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.374 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.5 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.563 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.374 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.063 in
Snap Fit Bushing: 12.7 mm | 0.500 in ID, 15.9 mm | 0.625 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.0767 - $0.0626

Stock Levels
14000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.500 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.625 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.703 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.500 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 1.6 mm | 0.031 - 0.063 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 19.1 mm | 0.752 in


Price Range
$0.0989 - $0.0806

Stock Levels
20000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.752 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.874 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.937 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.752 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.063 in
Snap Fit Bushing: 4.7 mm | 0.187 in ID, 9.5 mm | 0.375 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.0945 - $0.0711

Stock Levels
1000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.187 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.375 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.468 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.187 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 6.2 mm | 0.243 in ID, 11.1 mm | 0.437 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1136 - $0.0855

Stock Levels
1000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.243 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.437 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.531 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.243 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 7.9 mm | 0.312 in ID, 14.3 mm | 0.562 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1254 - $0.0945

Stock Levels
36000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.312 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.562 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.656 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.312 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 11.1 mm | 0.437 in ID, 15.9 mm | 0.625 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1254 - $0.0945

Stock Levels
5000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.437 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.625 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.718 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.437 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 9.5 mm | 0.375 in ID, 19.1 mm | 0.750 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1622 - $0.1224

Stock Levels
32000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.375 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.750 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.843 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.375 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 14.3 mm | 0.562 in ID, 19.1 mm | 0.750 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1622 - $0.1224

Stock Levels
9000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.562 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.750 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.843 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.562 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 9.5 mm | 0.375 in ID, 22.2 mm | 0.875 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1622 - $0.1064

Stock Levels
7500 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.375 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.875 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.953 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.375 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 15.9 mm | 0.625 in ID, 22.2 mm | 0.875 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.4118 - $0.1707

Stock Levels
6000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.625 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.875 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.953 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.625 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 22.2 mm | 0.875 in ID, 27.9 mm | 1.097 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.5984 - $0.248

Stock Levels
8500 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.875 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.093 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.218 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.875 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 27 mm | 1.062 in ID, 38.1 mm | 1.500 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.3572 - $0.2343

Stock Levels
10750 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    1.062 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.500 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.609 in
  • Inside Diameter
    1.062 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 34.9 mm | 1.375 in ID, 44.5 mm | 1.750 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.4619 - $0.303

Stock Levels
250 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    1.375 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.750 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.875 in
  • Inside Diameter
    1.375 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 47.2 mm | 1.860 in ID, 57.2 mm | 2.250 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$2.7462 - $1.1372

Stock Levels
Request the lead time here
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    1.860 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    2.250 in
  • Head Diameter
    2.480 in
  • Inside Diameter
    1.860 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 62.7 mm | 2.470 in ID, 76.2 mm | 3.000 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$5.6886 - $2.3558

Stock Levels
4400 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    2.470 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    3.000 in
  • Head Diameter
    3.160 in
  • Inside Diameter
    2.470 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 74.7 mm | 2.940 in ID, 88.9 mm | 3.500 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$6.2153 - $2.5737

Stock Levels
Request the lead time here
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    2.940 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    3.500 in
  • Head Diameter
    3.660 in
  • Inside Diameter
    2.940 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 6.4 mm | 0.250 in ID, 9.5 mm | 0.375 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.0653 - $0.0492

Stock Levels
16000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.250 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.375 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.437 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.250 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 1.6 mm | 0.031 - 0.063 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 12.7 mm | 0.5 in


Price Range
$0.0767 - $0.0579

Stock Levels
29000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.5 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.626 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.705 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.5 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.063 in
Snap Fit Bushing: 4.7 mm | 0.187 in ID, 7.9 mm | 0.312 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1041 - $0.0785

Stock Levels
2000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.187 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.312 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.375 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.187 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 7.9 mm | 0.311 in


Price Range
$0.1031 - $0.078

Stock Levels
8000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.311 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.437 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.531 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.311 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushing: 14.3 mm | 0.562 in ID, 17.4 mm | 0.687 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1787 - $0.1346

Stock Levels
1000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.562 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.687 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.781 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.562 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 1.6 mm | 0.031 - 0.063 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 6.1 mm | 0.24 in


Price Range
$0.0653 - $0.0531

Stock Levels
25000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.24 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.311 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.374 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.252 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.063 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 1.6 mm | 0.031 - 0.063 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 8.7 mm | 0.343 in


Price Range
$0.0653 - $0.0531

Stock Levels
50000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.343 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.469 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.531 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.343 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.063 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 1.6 mm | 0.031 - 0.063 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 10.3 mm | 0.406 in


Price Range
$0.0701 - $0.053

Stock Levels
324000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.406 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.531 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.594 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.406 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.063 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 1.6 mm | 0.031 - 0.063 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 15.9 mm | 0.626 in


Price Range
$0.0896 - $0.0729

Stock Levels
5000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.626 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.752 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.827 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.626 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.063 in
Snap Fit Bushing: 19.1 mm | 0.750 in ID, 22.2 mm | 0.875 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.0989 - $0.0806

Stock Levels
13000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.750 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.875 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.937 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.750 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 6.4 mm | 0.252 in


Price Range
$0.0945 - $0.0711

Stock Levels
4000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.252 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.374 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.469 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.252 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushing: 6.4 mm | 0.250 in ID, 12.7 mm | 0.500 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1095 - $0.0828

Stock Levels
1000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.250 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.500 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.578 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.250 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 9.5 mm | 0.375 in ID, 14.3 mm | 0.562 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1379 - $0.1041

Stock Levels
15000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.375 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.562 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.656 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.375 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 12.7 mm | 0.500 in ID, 16 mm | 0.630 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1254 - $0.0945

Stock Levels
8000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.500 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.625 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.718 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.500 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 12.7 mm | 0.500 in ID, 19.1 mm | 0.750 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1787 - $0.1346

Stock Levels
19000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.500 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.750 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.843 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.500 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 15.9 mm | 0.625 in ID, 20.6 mm | 0.812 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1811 - $0.1365

Stock Levels
1000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.625 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.812 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.890 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.625 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 14.3 mm | 0.562 in ID, 22.2 mm | 0.875 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.1622 - $0.1064

Stock Levels
4500 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.562 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.875 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.953 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.562 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 20.6 mm | 0.812 in ID, 27.9 mm | 1.097 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.5984 - $0.248

Stock Levels
3000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.812 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.093 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.218 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.812 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushing: 25.4 mm | 1.000 in ID, 34.9 mm | 1.375 in Hole Dia, Max Panel Thickness


Price Range
$0.287 - $0.1883

Stock Levels
500 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    1.000 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.375 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.468 in
  • Inside Diameter
    1.000 in
  • Maximum Operating Temperature
    185 °F
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3.2 mm | 0.031 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 34.9 mm | 1.374 in


Price Range
$0.4619 - $0.303

Stock Levels
1750 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    1.374 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.752 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.874 in
  • Inside Diameter
    1.374 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 6.4 mm | 0.031 - 0.252 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 44.5 mm | 1.752 in


Price Range
$1.0815 - $0.7097

Stock Levels
6700 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    1.752 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    2.252 in
  • Head Diameter
    2.48 in
  • Inside Diameter
    1.858 in
  • Maximum Inside Diameter
    1.858 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 6.4 mm | 0.031 - 0.252 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 62.7 mm | 2.469 in


Price Range
$2.2404 - $1.4699

Stock Levels
2500 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    2.469 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    3 in
  • Head Diameter
    3.157 in
  • Inside Diameter
    2.469 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.252 in
Snap Fit Bushings - Closed - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 6.4 mm | 0.031 - 0.252 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 74.6 mm | 2.937 in


Price Range
$2.4477 - $1.6059

Stock Levels
19700 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    2.937 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    3.5 in
  • Head Diameter
    3.657 in
  • Inside Diameter
    2.937 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.252 in
Snap Fit Bushing - Panel Thickness Range 6.4 mm | 0.250 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 47 mm | 1.850 in


Price Range
$2.1084 - $1.0788

Stock Levels
500 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    1.850 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    2.252 in
  • Head Diameter
    2.406 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.252 in
  • Overall Height
    0.72 in
Snap Fit Bushing - Panel Thickness Range 1 - 3.1 mm | 0.039 - 0.122 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 25 mm | 0.984 in


Price Range
$0.4353 - $0.2229

Stock Levels
560 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.984 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.181 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.319 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.122 in
  • Minimum Panel Thickness
    0.039 in
Snap Fit Bushing - Panel Thickness Range 0.9 - 2.3 mm | .035 - 0.091 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 18.2 mm | 0.717 in


Price Range
$0.3449 - $0.1763

Stock Levels
2500 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.717 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.866 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.976 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.091 in
  • Minimum Panel Thickness
    0.035 in
Snap Fit Bushing - Panel Thickness Range 1 - 3.2 mm | 0.039 - 0.126 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 26.2 mm | 1.031 in


Price Range
$0.4302 - $0.2202

Stock Levels
300 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    1.031 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.346 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.496 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
  • Minimum Panel Thickness
    0.039 in
Snap Fit Bushing - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 3 mm | 0.031 - 0.118 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 10.2 mm | 0.402 in


Price Range
$0.2327 - $0.1191

Stock Levels
23500 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.402 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.512 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.591 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.118 in
  • Minimum Panel Thickness
    0.031 in
Snap Fit Bushing - Panel Thickness Range 0.8 - 1.6 mm | 0.031 - 0.062 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 7.2 mm | 0.284 in


Price Range
$0.1248 - $0.0894

Stock Levels
Request the lead time here
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.284 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.394 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.472 in
  • Inside Diameter
    0.283 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.063 in
Snap Fit Bushing - Panel Thickness Range 1 - 3.3 mm | 0.039 - 0.130 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 15.3 mm | 0.602 in


Price Range
$0.2843 - $0.146

Stock Levels
8000 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.602 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    0.748 in
  • Head Diameter
    0.854 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.126 in
  • Minimum Panel Thickness
    0.039 in
Snap Fit Bushing - Panel Thickness Range 1 - 3.3 mm | 0.039 - 0.130 in ; Approximate Cable Holding Diameter 24 mm | 0.945 in


Price Range
$0.4154 - $0.2132

Stock Levels
7170 In stock
  • Approximate Cable Holding Diameter
    0.945 in
  • Compatible Hole Diameter
    1.102 in
  • Head Diameter
    1.24 in
  • Maximum Panel Thickness
    0.13 in
  • Minimum Panel Thickness
    0.039 in