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Zaciski i chwytaki Manual Clamps

 (1 Produkt)

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Manual Clamps for Miniature Rail

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These manual rail clamps are used in conjunction with rail carriages. When the clamping knob is turned, the clamp contact surfaces press against the rail, clamping it in place. Their compact and lightweight form makes them perfect for use with miniature rail systems where space is restricted.

These clamps are equipped with a lever or handle mechanism that allows for exact clamping force adjustment. This keeps the small rails securely in place without causing damage or deformation. The rails move smoothly and feature a low coefficient of friction and break-away forces.

It can withstand heavy loads, is corrosion resistant, and is resistant to wear and tear. Used in different applications, including medical devices, pharmaceuticals, small automation systems, and optical equipment.

  • A compact and lightweight form makes it perfect for use with miniature rail systems where space is restricted.
  • Equipped with a lever or handle mechanism that allows for exact clamping force adjustment.
  • Used for medical devices, pharmaceuticals, small automation systems, and optical equipment.
Material: Stainless Steel

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